Chapter 5

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An hour and ten minutes passed as Jonathan talked to George throughout the time to let him know someone was there with him. George opened his eyes and looked at Jonathan. "Why am I in bed?" "You almost fell on the floor. You looked pale, closed your eyes and fell. I caught you and carried you to bed. The training I did with you didn't help." "I can't believe what I'm putting you through." "Don't worry about it. By the way, you had another bad dream. Did you see me enter your dream a few hours ago? You know... early hours this morning?" George saw the dream version of Jonathan but not the real him. "No. I saw the dream version of you, but not the real you. Mike was being tortured by Jack. He was wrapped in a long silver chain."

Jonathan hung on his every word. "I believe you George. I saw what happened, I looked into your mind to see your dream. You shouted in your sleep again as well." They both heard the handle of the door being moved as they saw George's mother enter the room. "Hey. How are you feeling? You gave me quite a scare." "I'm fine. I want to train more." Jonathan said standing up, "get some rest first. We'll try it tomorrow if you're feeling strong enough. Just relax for the rest of the day. Take it easy." George's mother sat on the bed next to George. "Before you fell, I saw the look on Jonathan's face. He knew you saw something." "It's nothing." "It's not nothing, it's something. If it's your uncle Jack, you have to tell us."

George sat still as he reached his hand out to his mother and said, "I just want to train more. So that when Jack tries to reach my mind again, I know that I can shut him out." His mother wouldn't allow it to happen. "I don't want you training and making yourself worse. I don't want you to pass out like you did a while ago." She wrapped her arm around him and said, "let's go downstairs and I'll take care of you." She then helped him out of bed and down the stairs and added, "go and sit down, I want to talk to Jonathan for a minute." "Ok." George then walked into the living room and walked to the sofa. Mike and Jonathan's father asked, "where's Jonathan?" "My mum wants to talk to him for a minute."

As George sat on the sofa next to Mike and Jonathan's father he asked, "does anyone know how long I was out for?" Jonathan walked around the corner and said, "One hour, ten minutes." George wasn't surprised that he was out for that long. "If feels longer than an hour. More like two hours." Jonathan still wouldn't let it go about it being his fault when it wasn't. He also sat on the sofa and told everyone, "I still blame myself for you falling unconscious. I tried to help you and I overworked you. I'm sorry." George wasn't happy that Jonathan kept apologising. "Jonathan... please stop saying you're sorry. You were only trying to help." Everyone then remained silent.

When a couple of hours passed, Mike walked through the living room door to see everyone there and said, "afternoon." His mother asked while smiling, "feel better after sleeping a little longer?" "Yes. And thank you Jonathan. For taking care of George." "You know?" "I sensed it while I was sleeping. I knew you had everything under control."

Jonathan walked over to him and stood by him to make sure he was there to help him in case he needed to be supported. "Are you all right?" Jonathan asked as he walked over to the sofa. "Yes. Fine. I've never felt better." They sat down on the sofa as Mike continued, "I trust that a plan has been made to try and get Jack's blood?" Everyone was silent. "No?" Mike went silent as his mother told him, "I think I might have an idea." Mike's face lifted  as Jonathan's did. They were ready to hear what she had to say. Jonathan encouraged her to continue, "let's hear your idea mum." "Remember when you rescued us from Jack?" "Yes." "Did you have a plan?" "Yes we did. We were going to grab the potion first and then figure out on how to set you free. But since Jack grabbed George, he let you go. We were going to distract him so we could grab the potion so we could destroy it, and then try to restrain him so we could save you. We're just glad that he let you go."

A werewolf in danger 'a werewolf series' book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now