Chapter 8

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George tried talking to Claire through a connection as she didn't say anything. He began to worry that Jack could have hurt her again. Mike still felt exhausted with his fever, even though he was going to Jack's. Jonathan walked by his side to help him as he was ill. "I'll be fine. Quit your worrying." Their nurse asked, "do you want me with you inside or do you want me to be with Mike so I can keep an eye on him while you save George's father?" Jonathan replied, "stay with Mike. He can't be on his own right now and he's not strong enough to take on Jack."

When they reached Jack's house, they were outside the door again when George said to his nurse, "make sure you don't leave him on his own." "I won't. The doctor told me about his fever." Mike was out of breath when he said, "I'm fine. Just quit worrying about me. Please." Jonathan spoke as he said, "no Mike. You're my brother. I want you safe. Just do what the nurse tells you to do ok? Promise me." Mike sat down as he answered, "I promise. Good luck." He nodded as George and his mother walked to the front door while the others waited in case they were needed later to help.

George's mother opened the door as one of Jack's followers said, "halt! What is your business here?" "To see my brother in law." His follower gestured George and his mother to follow him. When they were halfway to where Jack was, George felt a sudden pain again. George looked to his mother as she looked back to see he was in pain. "It's with me being near him. I'll be fine." "Ok. Tell me if it gets worse." He nodded as Jack approached them. "Hello George. Sister in law." "Jack." "I believe you came here for a reason." George looked behind Jack to see Claire walking up to him. "Come here." Claire walked over to them as Jack introduced her. "This is my daughter. Claire."

George could sense that he did something to her. "Who's this father?" "This is your cousin, George." "Oh... hi." "I think I've raised her well when her mother left us." George didn't want him to know that they already knew each other, but he couldn't keep it in any longer. "What?" Jack read their minds as he said, "you've already met? How touching." He looked to Claire and said "I'll talk to you about this later." As he looked back to George and his mother he asked "where are Mike and Jonathan? They're both needed." "None of your business." He changed the subject by saying "I guess you don't want to know where your husband is then."

George didn't want Jack to talk about his father as he wanted him back. "Where is he? Where is my father?!"Jack pretended that he didn't know. "I don't know where your father is. I don't remember." He looked at Claire again and said, "I hope you didn't say anything." She tried to walk to George and his mother's side as he grabbed her. "You did didn't you? Didn't you?" "Leave her alone. We know what you did to her." "Go to your room and stay there." She obeyed him as George wanted to follow her, but he couldn't. "We know you've hurt her." "Since George began having visions of me, that's when it started." "There's no reason to take your anger out on her. She's my niece in law. If you don't want her around you, fair enough. She stays with me where she's safe."

Jack didn't want tolerance, he wanted George and his wolf dead. "I'll take him while it's just you and I'll release your husband." Jonathan and his parents burst through the door as they were ready to attack. "Mum, dad, you stop Jack while I get Claire." His parents ran up to Jack as he changed into his wolf form. They saw that his fur was grey. Jonathan walked up the stairs as his mother told him, "you just said, 'I guess you don't want to know where your husband is then.' And then you said you don't remember where you put him. That means you have him." "Release my dad!" He changed back to human form. "Stop yelling and I'll let you see him before your time comes." George was terrified as his wolf said, 'just do as he says and everyone should be ready to help, including your father.'

George followed Jack as he saw his father. "Here he is. I'll wake him up for you." He took a short breath and said, "awaken." George's father woke up as he asked, "where am I?" George ran up to him as his father began to wake up. "You're at your brother's house." "Who are you?" George began to cry as he said, "I'm George. I'm your son." "Where's my wife?" "Mum's downstairs." They saw her walk up the stairs with Mike and Jonathan's mother as she was ready to inject Jack with the needle she had in her hand. She injected Jack as he fell unconscious.

A werewolf in danger 'a werewolf series' book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now