Chapter 17

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When he was in the vision, Karen instructed him. "George, if you can hear me, I want you to tell me what you see." "I can see myself lying on the ground." He walked towards his body in his vision. "My body in the vision isn't breathing. I think I'm dead there." He was frightened. "Try and come out of it." He managed to escape the vision and back to the real world. His breathing was rapid as he breathed too quickly.

"Breathe George, breathe." Karen rubbed her hand up and down his arm to assure him he was fine while he was trying to calm down. He calmed down after twenty five minutes. He lifted his head up as his father told him to take his time. "What's our next motive?" "Waiting for you to recover again, control your visions carefully and we'll save your uncle."

George looked to his mother as she looked worried about him. "Are you okay?" He nodded as he wanted to give her a hug to tell her he was okay. His father read his mind and said, "he wants a hug Jane." "Come here you." She walked over to him as she wrapped her arms around him and gave him what he wanted. "I need the bathroom." "Don't be too long."

When he returned from the bathroom, George saw Mike sleeping in the chair. His mother and father placed their index fingers over their lips to tell him that he was asleep. Jonathan placed the spare cover over him, checked how he was and they went to the kitchen to let him sleep. "It's not an after effect. He's just exhausted." Claire entered the kitchen. "My brother is keeping an eye on him if that's alright Jonathan." "It's fine by me. Let him sleep. He deserves it." "He certainly does." She walked over to him and hugged him to show him some thanks for what he did for her so far when she first showed up to his house.

"Thanks for letting me stay here Jonathan. And for still trusting me after what I did to you." "What did you do to me?" They released each other as she recalled "remember? I kicked and punched you when it wasn't my fault?" "Oh yeah. It's been a rough week that I've forgotten about that. It's fine. You can stay for as long as you need to. You're always welcome here. Just like George and his parents." "Thank you. I don't like the fact that my father kidnapped you, but I'm glad I met you. I would have been injured further if it wasn't for you. Another thing, I never would've met George here."

George blushed. "Oh... you know... it wasn't a problem. I'm glad I met you too." They smiled at each other and hugged. When they released each other, Karen decided to make some drinks. "Where are your parents Jonathan?" "In their room. My dad was attacked protecting my mum after dropping our friend's kids off with their mother." "Ah." He told her he'd check on them and see if they wanted a drink.

When he returned, Jonathan said, "mum doesn't want a drink and dad is still resting. I hope he'll wake up tomorrow. We need his help." "He'll be fine. George, are you okay?" He nodded and said he was fine, but Karen wasn't sure. "You don't look fine to me. You may be falling ill again." He hardly felt like himself since his genes kicked in and it was hard enough to keep himself together without trying to fall apart.

He squeezed his eyes for a few brief seconds as he then reopened them and look to the door. Christian appeared. "You'll be fine." He wasn't so sure as he squeezed his eyes again but tighter as he collapsed to the ground when he fell off of the chair. "Oh for goodness sake. Jack, leave him alone. I know you're doing this to him." "He's mine brother. He might be your son. But I need him, Mike as well." "Get out of him! I command that you leave him alone!" George took a deep breath as he remained unconscious.

His father carefully scooped him up from the ground, quietly walked into the living room without disturbing Mike and placed him on the bed in his room. When he walked back downstairs, he looked to Mike and he opened his eyes. He noticed he was covered up. "Did I miss much?" He shook his head. "No. When George went to the bathroom you fell asleep, when we in the kitchen, he collapsed and my brother spoke through him again." He looked around to see where he was. "Where is he?" "He's upstairs in bed. My brother still wants you for your blood by the sound of things."

A werewolf in danger 'a werewolf series' book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now