Chapter 13

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An hour and half passed as Mike suddenly felt ill as another fever struck him. Jonathan saw that Mike didn't look well as he said, "I'll make sure you get to bed ok." He then felt the heat from Mike as he took him to his room.

As Mike got in bed, his mother walked into his room and said, "I just don't believe this. You're getting worse." They all heard footsteps as they heard Claire's voice. "I think it's my father." She walked over to Mike as she calmly told him, "don't let him do this to you Mike. He might need you, but you can't let him win."

Mike then looked to the door to see George walking through it. "Mike?" George asked as he continued. "Just relax. Everything is going to be fine." Mike closed his eyes and said, "I'll be fine. Mum?" "Yes?" "Keep an eye on..." he then stopped talking as he passed out. Jonathan checked over Mike as the others left the room, apart from George. "Come on Mike you can do this. Just get some rest and come round when you're ready."

As a few hours passed, Claire walked into the room as she said, "I hope Mike will come round soon. It's been hours." Jonathan reminded her, "he needs to take his time. He hasn't been sleeping well and he needs to save his strength." He continued as he told them, "it won't be too long. I'm sensing that he's well rested and it's almost time." "Jonathan?" everyone looked at Mike as Claire told him, "take it easy." Mike opened his eyes as he looked at Claire and said, "please go home." George told him, "let me take her. You focus on your problems." He then leaned over and whispered to Jonathan, "we won't leave. We'll wait outside." Mike then sat up as he and Jonathan talked.

As George and Claire left the room, Jonathan talked to Mike and reminded him, "she's staying here remember, you trust her now." "What's happening to me? I trust her now. Why am I saying that I don't?" "I think your fever has something to do with that. You'll be fine." Mike sighed as he laid back down. "Mike?" "I'll be better in a few minutes." Jonathan then sensed that his brother was falling asleep. "Get some rest. I love you." Mike told Jonathan he loved him back as he began to drift away into a deep sleep.

A couple of hours passed as George checked in on Mike and his brother. As Jonathan looked at George, he asked, "how are you and your parents?" "We're fine. Is he asleep?" Jonathan then whispered, "yes." Mike moved to lay on his right side as George asked, "how long do you think he'll be asleep for?" Jonathan looked back to Mike as he answered, "I haven't got a clue."

"Claire seems to be doing ok. She's talking away with my mum and dad." That reminded Jonathan about something. "Speaking about mum and dad, how are mine?" "They're fine. They're with my parents and Claire."

As Jonathan continued to talk to George, he noticed that Mike was ready to wake up. "I'll stay with him until he wakes up." "There's no need to stay." Both George and Jonathan saw Mike sit up as Mike asked, "what are you doing here?" "I don't want anything to happen to you while you sleep." "Thanks for caring." George went quiet as he said, "I care about you as well as you're my protector." "There's no need to worry about me." He broke off as he asked, "where's Claire?" Jonathan answered, "she's downstairs with the others."

Mike got out of bed as Jonathan said, "get back in bed. I don't want to get mum to get you back in bed." Mike stumbled. George caught him as he asked, "are you okay?" "Yes." There was a sudden knock on the door. As George answered it he saw Alex there. "Alex?" George saw Alex holding his ribs on the right side and asked with worry, "what happened?" He held Alex as he let him into the house.

Mike and Jonathan's mother did what she could as Alex told them he was attacked. "Alex I'm so sorry. You're not going to pull through." George and Alex looked at her as George's mother said, "I'll call your mum." George asked Mike and Jonathan's mother, "is there really nothing you can do?" She shook her head as George let tears flow down his face. George's mother finished talking on the phone and said, "she's on her way." Alex nodded as Mike helped him go to Jonathan's spare bedroom and made Alex as comfortable as possible.

A werewolf in danger 'a werewolf series' book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now