The Beginning

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Her name was Carla. She was living out of her car by a park close to my house.  I met her while walking my dog, Hank. She liked Hank, so I would stop to let her pet him. I could tell she was down, and it seemed to help cheer her up. She was petite with long brown hair and a pretty smile. Easy to talk to, she opened up frequently with me. Guess I have a kind face?

I walked Hank in the same place almost daily so I would run into her frequently. Conversation started as innocent as you would expect. Asking her how she was doing, any job prospects and such, a little about her background.

She had moved in with a boyfriend to get away from her divorced parents who were always bickering, as she put it. She got caught up with the wrong crowd and busted on drug charges. Once released and on parole, she left her sleepy hometown coming to the city to try modeling or acting.

She was hispanic, cute, nice figure and young. But there was also something about her that intrigued me. Couldn't put my finger on it but she had a fire in her eyes, even with the situation she found herself in.

I had been blessed financially with family money and did rather well in the stock market. I had an office at home I worked from and several staff members located globally. I typically dressed casually on a day to day basis, only putting a suit on for business meetings. Today, I was wearing sweatpants and a Nike t-shirt.

I saw her sitting on a bench in the park, soaking up some sun. She was wearing flip flops, Jean shorts and a bikini top. I walked Hank over to her and sat down beside her.

"Hank! How are you, buddy?" She exclaimed, happy to see him. Hank was a black Labrador and very friendly. And he loved seeing Carla. Tail wagging and panting, he jumped on the bench between us and leaned on her as she scratched him.

"How's the search going?" I asked her.

"Eh, nothing has popped up yet. I hope something does soon, or I may have to move back with my mom." She said with a sour look on her face.

"I have a proposal for you if you care to hear it?" I asked.

"Sure." She replied, still loving on Hank.

"I travel occasionally on business and have to find someone to watch Hank or take him to a pet hotel. I hate doing that to him and would rather leave him with someone he knows."

I watched her face as I presented my offer. "It would also be nice to have someone stay in my house when I'm gone. Maybe take on some cleaning duties as well around the place? I would pay you for your services and you could stay in my spare room. What do you think?"
I asked.

"I think that sounds amazing! At least, until I can get some money saved up for my own place." She said.

We discussed the salary and expectations of her job. I gave her directions to the house and told her I would meet her there after walking Hank back.

I saw her car in the street as we came walking up towards the house. "Go ahead and pull your car into the garage next to mine, Carla." I entered the pass code for the door, and she carefully pulled in.

I helped carry in a couple of bags for her and led her to one of the spare rooms upstairs. It had an attached bathroom and walk-in closet. She didn't have much for clothes from what I gathered.

"I'll let you get settled. You can hang your clothes in the closet and use the dresser if you like. I'll go start some dinner for us." I closed the door behind me and went to the kitchen to see what I had.

I grabbed some things from the fridge and started making some hamburger patties, turning the oven on for french fries, and fired up the grill outside.

Hearing the shower on upstairs, I turned on some music as I prepped dinner and sent a text to my assistant that I would be unavailable for the evening and hold all my calls.

I grabbed the burgers from the grill and brought them inside. She was sitting at the kitchen bar wearing a t-shirt that was two sizes too big for her. Obviously no bra, pants or shoes.

"Smells good!" She said, sitting up as I came in. I pulled the fries out, scooping them on two plates. Then I put the burgers on buns and told her  "Help yourself to any stuff you want on it."

She stood up and hopped around the bar for condiments. I fed Hank, putting his bowl down with half a burger mixed in. I grabbed my plate and sat on the couch, Carla following my example.

We talked as we ate. I told her what I did for a living, traveling and such. She briefly talked about where she grew up and some fond memories of her childhood until her parents split up and she blamed them both.

I asked her if she was tired and would she like to get some sleep? "I am a little sleepy, plus having food in my stomach helps a lot! I think I will lay down. But I'll clean up for you before I do." She said.

"Perfect. I am going to shower myself before I sleep too." I replied. Setting my dish on the counter, I went upstairs to my room and got undressed. Taking my time in the shower, the heat and steam relaxing my muscles.

I threw on some shorts and took Hank outside before going to bed. Downstairs, Carla had cleaned and put away dishes and had gone to bed as well. Hank ran back in, I locked the door and went upstairs to bed.

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of bacon, and Hank had already left my side. Throwing on a robe, I headed downstairs.

"Good morning Mr. Jeffries." Carla said smiling. "I made some breakfast for you, and fed Hank. Here, sit down, I'll make you a plate."

She was still in her sleeping shirt she wore the night before. I sat at the bar as she poured me some orange juice and coffee, then set a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast in front of me.

"Wow, this looks great!" I said, digging in to the plate. "Carla, I noticed you didn't have much for clothes when came in yesterday."

"No," she said. "When I left, I grabbed only what I would need for a few days. I didn't think I would be living in my car this long."

"We'll take care of that." I told her. "Occasionally I might have clients over and I can't have you walking around in your sleep shirt. We'll go shopping today. I don't have anything on my calendar, and you will need to look professional at times."

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