New path of Sadhna

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After checking his Muladhar chakra Shree realized that it was empty, he needed to find the solution to fill the Muladhar chakra with spiritual energy. 

At 12:15 pm school bell rang and all students got out of the class. Shree comes out of the school gate and starts walking towards his home which brings back a lot of old memories from his past life. Along the way, he looked at his surroundings which were full of garbage and plastic-waste. The living conditions in this region were very bad due to the concentration of people from across India who came and settled in this region for job opportunities. This area contains all the diversity of India in one place you can find people who speak different languages and different cultures, ethnicities, castes, religions, etc.

Shree sped up and reached home at 12:45 pm. He was very excited and ran inside the house to change his clothes and come down from the apartment. Once again Shree marched towards the Shivaji Nagar from his place. Here his mother Nilima was working as a garment worker.

Shree comes to the gate of the company and after enquiring about his mother he finds the section where his mother used to work in his past life. After entering the manufacturing section of the company Shree saw a woman in her thirties with a rounded face and a little bulgy nose and with typical Indian skin color. She wears a big round Kumkum Tilak on her forehead which is very eccentric to her facial features. 

Nilima saw her son running towards her at full speed and she got scared, she started to imagine many bad things. This was the first time Shree came to her workplace. Until she could react she saw a white shadow pounced on her leg and touched her feet with his forehead. After a few seconds, Nilima comes back to her senses. She saw Shree lying on the ground and touching her feet. After getting up Shree gave a bear hug to his mother his eyes were filled with tears. He saw his mother 10 thousand years later. Shree was very excited in his heart and there was little remorse in his heart as in his previous life he was not able to fulfill his filial duty as her son. After seeing his mother Shree just told her that he was bored after long studies so he came to see her. But Nilima was a little confused as her son never behaved like this. It's like she met a completely new person.

After few minutes later small gong rang and all the workers got out of the factory for lunch break. Nilima and Shree came to the cafeteria Nilima bought some snacks for Shree and handed them to him. After wolfing down the snacks in his hand Shree washed up his face and hands and got up to return home. He was planning to start his Sadhna as soon as possible as there are many things he needs to achieve in this life.

After coming out of the garment factory Shree started walking towards the forest area. After reaching the center of the forest Shree found an old tree and sat down below it after making sure that no one was going to disturb him there. After sitting in Padmasana Shree wanted to begin his Sadhna but he suddenly realized that the spiritual energy present on the Earth is very thin and it is not enough for him. 

Shree got demotivated after learning about this condition instantly he started to rack his brain to search for another Sadhana technique that could support the energy present on the Earth. Suddenly he remembers the 'Prana' technique created by his brother from the Jambudwip realm. The technique is very special, it can absorb any form of energy Asur shakti, Sur shakti, Varun shakti, Bhut shakti, Amar shakti, Daiviy Shakti, or even Jiv shakti, this technique can absorb these forms of energy, and convert them into spiritual energy.

Now in this life, Shree found a correct method and correct way of Sadhna. In this life, he doesn't want to repeat all the mistakes he committed in his previous life. Shree sat cross-legs in Padmasana and started to absorb the energy present in the surrounding environment. In the beginning, he was not able to absorb the energy but later it started to get absorbed in the form of wist later Shree sped up the circulation of the technique in his body and the speed of absorption increased steadily. Later Shree added some Amar shkti or Immortal energy present in his soul into his Muladhar Chakra and started to guide his energy inside the path of other kundalini Chakras.

At present time it is impossible to activate their Muladhar Chakra on the first attempt due to a lack of spiritual energy on the Earth. No ordinary Sadhak can reach Manipur Chakra in present times. 
On the other hand, Shree was focused on absorbing all types of energy present in the surroundings and converting it into spiritual energy. Slowly his Muladhar Chakra got filled with thick spiritual energy and it started to unfold and move towards the Svadhishthana Chakra, after few times later this Svadhishthana Chakra also got filled with spiritual energy and Kundalini Sarpa moved towards Manipur Chakra. Later the speed became more vigorous and Kundalini Sarpa started moving towards Anahata, from Anahata to Vishudha, Vishudha to Ajna, and from Ajna to Sahasrara.  After some time there is a shadow of 7-headed Kundalini Sarpa behind Shree. After the opening of all Kundalini Chakras, a person can acquire his first Siddhi according to his Atmik Mul. 

Atmik Mul is made of elements and some specials are made of Dwait and Adwait. Some high-level Atmik Mul are very rare on Earth one of them is Prana mul. This Prana represents the beginning of all energy and the end of all energy. Prana is the origin of all.

After awakening all Chakras Shree released some turbid air from his mouth and opened his eyes. He found that his body was covered in sticky dark matter. This black substance is nothing but waste residual substances saturated in the body after birth. Due to heavy pollution, the amount of this black substance is high as compared to other realms.

After cleansing his body Shree found the small lake near the forest. He went up and jumped into the water and started circulating his Sadhna technique to clean the body. After washing his body Shree got out of the lake and dressed up. While dressing up he activated his Daivik Chetna to check the surroundings, his Chetna covered almost ten kilometers which is ten thousand times less than his previous Sadhana. 

After checking for a few minutes he found that near the railway track, there was a small building inside that building four people were sitting and discussing something secretly. In the corner of the room, there is a girl who is tied up to the chair. After listening to their conversation Shree realized that these people were planning to molest this girl. They drugged this girl and prepared to shoot the entire process. During this time porn industry was not that developed and international video platforms from the USA and Europe were paying heavy prices for Indian porn movies. 

After understanding the situation Shree decided to take action, he jumped from the place where he was and crossed almost 500 meters in one leap in a few steps he reached above the building. Shree in his previous life read about 'Nirbhaya Kand' in Delhi and at that time that girl did not get justice for 10 years and many of the accused died before getting punished by the law due to health or some natural reasons and remaining juvenile criminal who was declared as Nabalik by the court was only last survivor and he got released by the court. This time Shree decided to punish these rapists in the hardest way possible so other criminals cannot think about doing things like this in their next life. 

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