Ring and System

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After leaving the building to burn Shree took the girl and left for the railway station on the way he came to know about the girl, her name was Sujata Satalwar and she was a working student. Currently, she is studying at City College at Thane in her B.Sc. second year. She lives with her mother and one sister and she lost her father during the Cotton mill strike of Lalbag Paral by committing suicide. 

She had a slim figure of 170cm in height. She was fair in color with long black hair. It gives a kind of mature girly feeling. Like big sister type. Shree looked at the Sujata and used his Daiviy Chetna to look into her body and realize that she was suffering from Asthma. He felt that he needed to help this girl from this disease so he used his spiritual energy to remove all the blockage in her lungs and strengthen the air pockets in her lungs. Sujata suddenly felt that her breathing become clear and powerful. After doing this Shree dropped her at the railway station and said goodbye to her and left in an SUV towards his home.

Even if he doesn't need to take this SUV and money from these criminals, in this age money is everything if you do not have power and Shree lost everything because he did not have power money. In this life, he decided to have a lot of money and a lot of power. Currently, he gain power but money is most important for survival. 

Once again he came to the old building parked the SUV got out of it and then threw the small ball of black fire on it. This fire has a very important function, it cannot be extinguished by Earthly means and the temperature is so high that it can even melt an entire mountain within a few seconds. This fire is called 'Pran Agni' which is like the Samadhi fire which awakens after completely awakening the Kundalini in the body. It is a mixture of all elements and it can be awakened in the people who have a 'Prana Mula' constitution. Shree was one in a billion who awakened this constitution.

After coming out of the forest it was almost 4 PM Shree once again urged his Chetna in his Muladdhar Chakra and tried to awaken his Ring which lying there without any response. As Chetna enters the ring it awakens and comes out of his body. 

After taking the ring and putting it on his finger Shree put a drop of his blood essence on the ring to reactivate it. After activating the ring suddenly there was a mechanical voice ringing in his mind. 
"Binding the Swargiya Chetan to the host"
"Welcome host, I am Swargiya Chetna of Jambudwip, I came along with you as you were the last god of Jambudweep, to protect the entire Jambudweep you need to stay connected to the Planetary consciousness of Jambudwip".

"If the host rejects to connect with Planetary consciousness he will be evacuated and teleported back to Jambudweep once again."

"Host, would you like to bind?"

Shree: "__"
"Do I have any choice to reject?" Please connect!!

"Binding to the host"

"Binding successful!!!"

A few seconds later there was a blue color panel appeared in from of Shree.

Host: Shree Pandhare
Age: 15 years 7 months
Sadhana level: Complete awakened
Saddhana technique: Pran(Chaos)
Abilities: Pran Agni, invisibility, Lavitating, Quintessence, Talwar Dhar, etc.
Acquired techniques: No limits
Current status: "Confused about the upcoming plan, thinking about a way to remove the system. Planning to earn a lot of money after killing more than 50 people and robbing them. Planning to show his might in front of normal humans. Planning to bully some ants to satisfy his own desire and to face-slap all the bullies from his previous life. After reading this status planning to go low-key in from of the common people and behave like a 'wolf in a sheepskin'.

After reading this Shree got completely angry but he can't do anything to this Planetary consciousness. He took a deep breath and decided to correct this consciousness later. He exited from the panel and asked it about its other functions. First, he asked about its name on this question it replied, "Dear host I do not have any name you can suggest if possible."

After thinking for about a few seconds Shree gave it the name "System"

In his previous life, he read many fantasy novels related to the system and Chinese cultivation. From this, he decides to give it the name 'system'. 
System: "__"
There was complete silence on the other side for a few minutes later system replied, "Host at least try to think a little deeper, just now I found from your memories that there are many English names are there which look more powerful than this stupid name, like Megatron, Optimus, Bumble-Bee, Oyashiyo, Kuroshiyo, Sasuke, Naruto, ..........Kakashi.........etc. Why you haven't selected these names instead called me system?"

Shree suddenly felt pain in his heart and then he shouted at the system, "You idiot system these are the names of some Anime characters and some are imaginary movie characters and for your kind information Oyashiyo and Kuroshiyo are the names of ocean current".

System: "Hump... stupid host you are the most backward on this planet, you don't know how to treat your guest from another realm, do you know about "Athithi Devo Bhava" You are disgraced to be called Indian."

After listening to the blabbering of the system Shree was stunned, he asked in a cold tone, "System how many memories of my past life on Earth you have read?" 
"I will not do anything to you, just tell me truthfully"
System: "o"
"Host you can not do anything to me as I am just will of the planet"
Shree: "System let me tell you that your Chetna is connected to me it means that I am connected to the entire Jambudweep from here so pay close attention and look closely".

After this Shree waved his hand and Wormhole appeared in the void and all the spiritual energy present on the Jambudweep was wiped out completely. After seeing this system got scared silly and it requested Shree.
"Host please don't do this, this is not the right thing to do, you going to destroy the entire Jabudweep by doing this, please make it as it is or all lives on the Jambudweep will face unimaginable catastrophe"
"I apologize to the host for this kind of behavior please restore the Jambudweep"

After listening to the system Shree waved his hand and restored the spiritual energy on the Jambudweep. As it is impossible to wipe out entire planetary spiritual energy from afar, here Shree created the illusion in from System to make it silly. After removing the illusions Shree spoke in his mind to the system, "System, make note of it I am not just a host I have a name and it is Shree and please give the details about you and how can I utilize you on this planet??"

"Shree, as you know this civilization on this planet is a little advanced in technology and I can influence and hack into this technology on my will. I can be god on the internet after entering this area. You also know that in the upcoming year internet will be the core of everything."

After listening to the explanation of the system Shree became a little satisfied but still asked the system, "Are there any other functions in which you are good?"
"Dear host, Uh... Shree, I can identify any person and present his details in front of you, I can see and record all the events happening on this planet and present them in a supportive device called USB on this planet"
Shree: "Oh... you are like CCTV of the entire planet, good I like it, I will take you as my guest and let you stay with me from now on," 'Welcome aboard system'.
System: "__"
"You are the first person in this vast universe who blackmailed the system and made it obey, you are the craziest and most greedy demon in this universe".

After discussing with the system Shree strode towards home, there were a lot of memories flooded his mind, he remembered that his family was the type of joint family he had two uncles at home and one of them had 2 daughters and the other had a son and he has a younger sister at home. Shree was the eldest in the entire family of four brothers including his father. His father was the second eldest in his family but his eldest uncle had children very late. So in the entire family, all other children were below 10 years and only Shree was 15 years old. At home currently, his both parents work in factories one of his uncles is a civil servant and the other uncle works in a cotton mill. In the entire family, his youngest uncle was the highest educated person after him Shree himself. In the family, everyone listens to his youngest uncle as he is the most educated but Shree also knows that because of the greed of this youngest uncle entire family was destroyed in 2016.

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