Super Rescue

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Location: Silicon Valley, USA

After returning from India, the CEO of Doodle was sitting inside his office and looking at the codes on his laptop. 

After a long time, he came back to his senses and jumped up and started shouting loudly. 

"This is fucking Jackpot man.......this is the huge jackpot for me....haha.....hahaha"

He called for an urgent meeting in his company and decided not to sell his company first he received enough funding for the upcoming operation of the company and second he received a readymade mobile operating system for mobile which was completely indigenous.

In the meeting CEO of Doodle declared the current financial issues and later the news of the new operating system.

On the same day evening, Doodle published the news about the mobile operating system which will be known as "Cyborg" by Doodle.

This news spread across Silicon Valley on the same day.

The next day this news reached across the world through the internet.

Shree was unaware of this development and didn't care about this right now he was just focussing on stabilizing his powers on this level and preparing to break the next level of the Sadhana.

In Shivaji Nagar, all the people were in a panic state because of recent kidnapping cases of young children. 

In the afternoon Shirisha and Drona were playing on the ground floor of the building at this time four burly men came out of the Omni van and came inside the building at this time no one was present on the ground floor only Shirisha and Drona were there. 

Kidnappers came behind Shirisha, they put a piece of cloth in her mouth and she fainted, kidnappers quickly ran back to the van, at that time Drona who was present there did not move but waited for their actions. 

Drona also jumped inside the van and waited for them to move to their destination. At this time Shree also realizes that something has happened so he contacts Drona about the situation through telepathy, Drona informs all the situation to Shree. 

Shree was very calm he came out of the house and strode behind the van. The van entered the dilapidated building where another 20 to 24 members of this group were waiting. 

Shree uses his Chetna to check inside the building, inside he finds many young children locked inside the room. The number of children was more than 80. 

Van stopped and four burly men carried Shirisha and entered the room. 

"Boss, this one is last, it is time to move to the next stage."

Boss: "In the evening container will arrive here to take these children until then give them something to eat so they will stay fit in front of the other party."

Later Shree permitted Drona to take action until then he would go and rescue all the children. 

Here Drona taking action means a complete bloodbath, so Shree knew that to prevent these kids from seeing such a horrible scene he decided to rescue these children first along with his sister. 

Shree waved his hand in front of the locked room and the children inside the room fainted. Shree entered the room and put all the children inside his ring. He quickly moved to the neighboring building put all the children inside one of the rooms and dialed 100 for the police helpline. He informed the situation inside the locked room to the police but he never spoke about the kidnappers. He kept his sister along with him and came to the kidnappers who were lying on the ground completely drenched in blood.

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