Championship and youngest Entrepreneur

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Later explaining everything to Pranjal Shree returned to his home and got ready for school.

Shree attended school and completed all the written assignments and practice tests in the last two days. On Sunday once again Shree and Dhankar Sir left for Mumbai in the early morning by train. 

The State competition was organized inside the Mumbai University campus. When he arrived at the campus Shree found one familiar face from his previous life it was a middle-aged man. Dr. Bhalavanikar Sir.

He was his professor of English subject in his previous life and thanks to this person the level of his English is super high. This same middle-aged man was the teacher of Dhankar Sir.

Dhankar Sir and Shree walked towards the stage. Bhalavnikar Sir himself called Dhankar Sir and enquired about it.

Due to his last speech in the District competition, Shree became a celebrity in the English department of the Mumbai division, because his video was shared across the English department of the Mumbai division.

Many professors came to Shree and introduced themselves. Only giving autograph was remaining. 

Bhalavnikar looked at the Shree and said, "Young man, you have good command over English, I am not going to boast there are some traits in your style where I can see something familiar."

Bhalavnikar Sir was referring to his exclusive style of nativistic approach to English on which he got his Ph.D. Only his students can use this method of elocution no one else can use it but it was used by Shree in his speech.

Shree: "Thank you sir for your compliment, about the style of elocution I am your grand-student so it is natural, that I will get this trait in my style."

Bhalavnikar sir was impressed with his answer and patted the back of Dhankar, sir. Vijay you did a wonderful job, keep going. 

Dhankar sir was like on cloud 9, in his entire life his profession never complimented him but this time he received appreciation from his guru.

30 minutes later competition began. there were a total of 40 participants and in this competition, there will be the same procedure for the elimination. 

At the end of the first round, only 6 candidates were remaining.

In the second round, 3 students were eliminated and only three students remained.

The professors from the Mumbai division put Shree on the last on the list so they could enjoy his speech thoroughly.

The first 2 students gave their speech but they were at the same level as Pranali. later Shree got on the stage before Shree could say anything one of the teachers from the Mumbai division roared, 
"Bola Chatrappati Shivaji Maharaj kiii......"

Audience: Jaay.....!!!!!

After hearing the josh and enthusiasm of the audience Shree felt very happy. He opened the cheat from his hand, the topic was 'Dharma'.

Shree looked at the audience and quoted, "यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः means "Where there is Dharma, there will be Victory".

After speaking this Shree continued his speech by remembering the Lord Hari or Lord Krishna. The modulation of voice was very divine people were mesmerised by this.

At the end of the speech Shree once again quoted the Shloka saying, " 

''यदा यदा ही धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत I अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानम सृज्याहम।।''

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