Super Nilesh

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After coming out of the hospital Shree went straight to the teleportation point and teleported himself directly to the school. On the way, he informs his mother that he will be going straight to school and will return along with his sister in the afternoon. 

After reaching school Shree attended the remaining classes and got busy with his unnecessary studies for him it was all time-pass the main purpose of attending school was to strengthen the heart.

Due to board exams being closed, everyone was busy studying, and no one was interested in classroom chats. Even if they were speaking something they were discussing the topics from the syllabus. 

Only Nilesh was a little free but Shree knew that Nilesh spent his entire night studying and he slept in the afternoon. 

Shree decided to tease Nilesh, "Kalya do you know I know the secrete of one of the student in our class who studies the entire night and cover his sleep in the afternoon, he has been following this practice for an entire year from the beginning of our academic year."

After listening to this, black face of Nilesh became darker, he looked at the smiling face of Shree and understood that Shee caught his little secret. The secret of Nilesh was known to his father only, even his mother also didn't know this secret because his father was the one who told this trick of study.

After looking at the dark face of Nilesh Shree said, "If you want to score more in the exam than the topper of this class I have a trick but before that, you need to promise me that you will not share it with anyone else."

"Hump, I know that you also do the same because of that you are also very relaxed right you even show your abilities in English class."

Shree: "I am very serious this time, if you believe me come to the park near the lake tomorrow at 6:00 AM."

Shree gave this offer to Nilesh because, in his previous life, he was not able to meet this stupid friend of his in his last days when died. Shree was the one who first introduced him to the habit of smoking. To reform his friend and forbid him from walking on the same path as before Shree decided to give him opportunity.

The remaining day passed without any special incidents. On the next day morning, Shree came to the park did his daily practices, and sat crossed-leg under the tree.

At 5:40 AM, Shree saw a black shadow with white eyes come near him even though it was dawn time still it was little dark. Shree recognized him and yelled, "Abe sale, try to carry a torch along with you while moving in the dark, people will get scared and beat you thinking that you ghost"

Hearing this Nilesh came closer to him and asked, "Leave it, man, I don't care about being fair, now tell me the trick to learn all things faster than others."

Shree was a little speechless seeing the thick skin of his friend.

Shree: "Listen, I have two offers for you, one is I will transfer all the knowledge from our 10th syllabus to your mind, by using this you can score almost more than 90% and another offer is I can make you super smart and super strong with some abilities but this process is very slow it may take 4 to 5 years to show the result but once you get the result you will don't need to worry about it."

"What do you think? Which one do you want?"

Nilesh was silent for a few minutes and looked at Shree stupidly, whatever Shree was explaining to him was scientifically impossible. Nilesh never believed whatever he was saying. 

Shree instantly understood the doubts in the heart of Nilesh he leaped in the air and stood in the middle of the lake with one jumped. Shree was standing on the floating water without any support it was very magical for Nilesh. 

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