Summer Heat and Cold Realities

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The music is fucking loud, as it always is. Mickey walks through the crowds of men gathered to watch the dancers move their hips. Mickey wants a drink, that's why he came here. Only for a drink. Has nothing to do with the fact that it's a gay bar...

Fuck, he's not even fooling himself anymore. He wants a hookup. He'd tried it with girls before when the urge arose but he just can't do it anymore.

"Ay, barkeep! Tequila." He shouts over the loud music, the barkeep looks him up and down and nods.

Men buzz around the podiums like bees drawn to the guys wearing the small golden shorts. One of the performers looks way younger than everyone else dancing. A redhead. He's got the most attention, hands reaching here and there to put dollar bills in his shorts. He looks good, Mickey thinks. He fantasizes a little about feeling him up, bringing him home with him. Then quickly snaps out of it when the barkeep talks.


Mickey turns to the man behind the bar with confusion. "What?"

"His name's Kurtis. Or so he says." The barkeep hands Mickey the shot of Tequila.

Mickey downs it, "The fuck do I care?"

"Well, you seem to be eyeing him. If you're thinking about paying him a little extra for some alone time, I'd advise you to do it now. Otherwise, he's likely to go off with someone else. Never leaves alone, you know."

Mickey looks back at the redhead and thinks. Maybe not. If he's so popular, it's unlikely for Mickey to get him alone, right? And Mickey doesn't feel like spending that much money, anyway. The night moves on, the tequila shot becomes two, three, four more and Mickey walks out of the gay bar disappointed in himself that he didn't dare to go up to the fine young man on the podium. The night's summer air wafts lukewarm breezes across Mickey's face as he leans against the side of the bar, lighting a cigarette.

"Phew, it's so hot." A voice comes from behind him.

Mickey looks back at the man, carrying a half-awake boy on his arm. Looking drugged as fuck. It's the young one, the redhead. Kurt?

"Where's your car?" The redhead speaks, looking around dazed. Mickey's jaw clenches, frustrated that a prick like this is taking the redhead home.

"I have one arriving here soon. What do you want to do in the meantime?" The man smirks as he pushes the redhead against the wall. The redhead's eyebrows are furrowed as he closes his eyes.

"I don't wanna go home..." He mumbles.

"No?" The man teases.

The redhead shakes his head, and the man chuckles. Mickey scoffs as he takes a drag of his cigarette. He watches the car arrive and the man maneuvers him inside. He can't do much as it drives away. Fuck... He just blew his chance.

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