What Fucking World do You live In?

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Long fingers intertwine with tattooed ones, their breaths heavy and unsynchronized. The room is filled with the aftermath of their passion as Mickey gazes at the redhead lying on his chest, eyes closed in a post-sex haze. His heart flutters as Ian looks up at him with a grin.

"What'cha starin' at?" Ian's playful voice breaks the silence.

Mickey smiles and leans down to peck Ian's lips. "What do you think?"

Ian exhales a small laugh through his nose and rests his head again.

The empty Milkovich house feels cold in the fall chill of Chicago. But within those walls, warmth emanates from the connection between Mickey and Ian. The silence in the room is profound, a shared space where words are unnecessary. Terry is likely out on a bender, much like his brothers, but Mickey can't be bothered. The only thing he cares about is the man lying on his chest.

As they lie in comfortable silence, Mickey's mind is calm, navigating the sea of contemplation where everything and nothing seem to matter.

"You ever fall in love?" Mickey's question hangs in the air.

Ian pauses for a moment, his gaze meeting Mickey's. "Yeah," he replies, looking up at Mickey.

A genuine smile spreads across Mickey's face. "Really?"

Ian replies by kissing the black-haired man, their tongues dancing in sync. They make out for a while, starting to grind their hips against one another's. Mickey slides his hand down Ian's bare torso, following the trail to his v-line, where he grips the hardening length. Ian gasps into the kiss, and Mickey, appreciating the perfection of the moment, begins stroking him.

Naked and a bit sweaty, Mickey shifts to hover above Ian when the redhead moans, pulling away from the kiss.

He grabs one of Mickey's biceps, breathless. "Wait, stop. I'm gonna come."

"Kinda the point."

"Fuck, wait-"

"Lemme do this for you, Red." Mickey hushes Ian as he kisses him deeply again, speeding up with the strokes. The symphony of Ian Gallagher's moans tugs at Mickey's heart, and then tugs even harder at his cock. It's just simply beautiful. As Ian nears his release, whimpering into Mickey's mouth, the sounds become a beautiful cacophony.

"Mickey, when do you plan on- Holy fuck!" Iggy's sudden intrusion disrupts. The boys quickly untangle themselves, hearts racing with concern. Fuck, why now? They scramble to get dressed as Iggy quickly retreats.

Mickey chases his brother, pushing him down onto the sofa. "Next time you enter my room without knocking, I'm gonna get the shotgun and empty the barrel in your fat fucking face!" Mickey yells, pointing a threatening finger at Iggy.

Iggy stands up, defending himself. "How was I supposed to know you were fucking some dude in there? When has that ever happened?"

Frustration etches across Mickey's face. "Fuck, Terry will kill me. You understand? Terry is going to fucking kill me!"

Ian emerges from the room to witness the scene. Iggy glances at Ian and then back at his brother, visibly stressed.

"I won't tell," Iggy assures.

Mickey nods in disbelief. "Yeah, sure."

"I swear, Mick. But if you guys want to plunge each other's toilets, you should seriously be more careful, especially in this house." Iggy teases, heading to the kitchen for beers. Mickey walks back into his room with a grunt.

"Shit, man," Ian sighs, sitting on Mickey's bed again.

"I'm sorry. You need to go. If my brother's here, then Terry might also show up soon." Mickey's embarrassment is palpable as he stares at the floor.

Ian furrows his brows. "Mick, we got nothing to be ashamed of—"

"What fuckin' world do you live in? Just because your family's all happy and accepting you think everyone's is? Jesus fucking Christ, Ian, go!" Mickey's outburst turns the room cold, replacing the warmth with an uncomfortable tension. Ian looks at Mickey in disbelief and huffs as he walks out of the room, leaving Mickey sitting on his now-empty bed.


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