Camera Flash

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The warmth of Mickey's hands when he holds them, the tenderness of his fingers as he traces patterns along his skin, and the overall kindness of the guy all have Ian wrapped around Mickey's finger, and they both know it. On the L station, they're on their way home to Ian from another gig with Mickey's band. Some fans had asked for pictures with Mickey, and he'd just awkwardly stood there, not smiling. Ian had stood to the side, reassuring him.

They're drunk, sluddering, being overly clinging to each other. As they stumble into the carriage, they get annoyed looks from pretentious old men and women, probably from the north side.

Ian gets the smiling Mickey in a headlock as they sit down and Mickey smiles up at him, the stunning redhead. "You're so fuckin' drunk, man." He sludders, only paying attention to his boyfriend.

"Wha- so are you, bitch." He looks down at Mickey.

The train bumps over the train tracks, passing through tunnels, buildings, and parks. It stops by a popular station where many exit the carriage out into the cold night.

Ian looks around the carriage and takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. It's rare; moments like these, where he's just content. He wraps his arm around Mickey's shoulder and leans in, their faces just inches apart. Mickey grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers, his touch sending shivers down Ian's spine. Ian can feel his heart racing as he looks into Mickey's eyes. They're so full of love and adoration, that it takes his breath away. He knows he can't resist anymore. Before they both know it Ian is leaning in and kissing Mickey gently. Soft and tender. In this moment, nothing else matters but Mickey. The rest of the world fades away, and all he can feel is the warmth of Mickey's lips against his own.

It seems that way for Mickey too since he doesn't pull away or flinch because there are people around who can see them. Some are probably watching, but what the fuck- if Ian wants to kiss the man he loves he's going to kiss the man he loves.


"Okay, smile."

"Don't remember hiring you as my photographer," Mickey retorts, giving Ian a mock glare.

Ian grins, snapping a quick photo before Mickey can react. "Consider it a candid shot for the memories."

Mickey scowls, snatching the camera from Ian's hands. "Memories, my ass. Delete that shit."

"Alright, calm down," Ian chuckles, sitting up on the bed.

Mickey eyes the camera skeptically before setting it aside. Ian watches him intently. Suddenly, an idea seems to strike Ian, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What if we make a sex tape?" Ian suggests, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Mickey arches an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Fuck, that'd actually be hot."

In an instant, the mood shifts. Both men shed their inhibitions, reveling in the excitement. Ian pins Mickey to the bed and their erections touch as they make out passionately, the air thick with desire.

The moment is abruptly shattered when the accordion door slides open, revealing none other than Frank Gallagher.

"Morning, gentlemen."

"Jesus fuck, Frank!" Ian exclaims, hastily pulling away from Mickey.

Mickey scrambles to cover himself, his shock turning into a mixture of embarrassment and anger. "Get out!"

Frank, undeterred by the unexpected interruption, casually enters the room. "Where's the rolling paper?" he nonchalantly asks, completely unfazed by the compromising scene before him.

"Get the fuck out!" Ian insists, pushing Frank towards the door.

Frank, however, remains defiant. "Don't you think you should be a little more respectful towards the man who gave you life? The man who brought your ungrateful ass to this world?"

Ian rolls his eyes. "You're not my biological dad, Frank."

Mickey, now in his boxers, throws a pillow at Frank. "Out, you fucktard!"

Frank finally retreats with a sly grin. "Fine, fine. I'll leave you lovebirds to it."

Ian glances at the visibly embarrassed Mickey, breathing heavily, his ears red.

"Hey, hey." Ian walks over to him, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "He won't do anything."

Mickey's breathing calms down a little, "Doesn't mean it ain't awkward as fuck."

"You still wanna do it?" Ian asks, sitting down on the bed.

"Do what?"

"The sex video."

Mickey smirks, climbing into the bed again. "Better put a sock on the doorknob, then."

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