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Fuck, his heart won't stop pounding. Mickey itches the side of his head and breathes through his nose slowly. Max and Eddie are standing rehearsing their hardest parts of the song while Mickey's just trying to calm his nerves.

He has never been this nervous to perform before, well, that's not entirely true. His first performance has this beat by a milestone. But this one feels different. Several popular bands are playing tonight, and if they can put on an impressive show, they might get more recognition. Who knows, maybe even a record deal?

And Ian is going to be there, too. That's probably what has Mickey's nerves spiking. To know he's being watched and admired by someone he himself admires. Mickey had called him to ask if he would come to the concert the night before and Ian had happily agreed.

"Shit, they're calling our name," Max exclaims. "Okay, guys. Remember, we're cool and we're mysterious. We keep our chins up and we make the audience jump." He says with a tad bit of unseriousness in his voice.

The first thing Mickey always notices when he walks out is the heat from the big, bright alien lights shining down at them. They always bug him out. Why do they have to be so bright? The crowd cheers. Some of them are probably fans, while others might just be happy that new music is coming.

Max starts by talking into the mic and making some jokes. Mickey doesn't understand how he does it. Making the audience laugh so easily. His charisma is no joke. The explaining talk turns into a scream which turns into the song starting with the instruments going crazy along with the audience. And Mickey is in heaven yet again. This is heaven. Working the drums, thinking about all the bullshit he's dealing with and all the horrible memories of his past, and taking just a little bit of that anger at a time and slamming that shit into the drums.

Wham, bam, crash, chicka-ticka BOOM!

Then, like a human cannonball, Max flings himself into the crowd as the song ends. A collective roar rises. Hands reach out to catch him. Mickey can't help but chuckle at the fact that maybe one day the crowd won't catch him. But today, they're solid. Max trusts in his fans and the chaos turns into a wild celebration.

In the midst of the blinding stage lights and the roar of the crowd, Mickey can't help but steal glances into the sea of faces. The nerves that had gripped him earlier now turn into subtle excitement as he wonders if Ian has arrived. Every jump of a fan gets his attention, but it's not until the song's final notes from the guitar being flung around along with the frontman that he spots the familiar shock of red hair, Ian's animated figure bouncing amidst the crowd. His disheveled hair glistens with sweat, and a wide grin splays across his face.

Background music starts playing as the band is off-stage.

"That was insane, man!" Max slaps Mickey on the back.

"Agh, always so good." Eddie sighs, proudness in his eyes. "Max, you're crazy for that stage dive!"

Mickey grins, remembering his thoughts from before. "Yeah, well, one of these days, I'm telling you, they ain't gonna catch you so easily."

Max chuckles, dismissing the idea. "Nah, they got our backs."

Mickey's bandmates head out to the crowds as Mickey heads toward the quieter part of the venue, ready to meet Ian and savor the post-concert high.

"Hey." Mickey approaches the redhead.

Ian jumps a little with excitement. "Yo! That was fucking amazing! Can't believe it!"

Mickey grins widely, "Thanks, man."

"Barkeep!" Ian looks over at the bartender and waves both hands in the air trying to get the bartender's attention. Cute, Mickey thinks.

"Two vodka tonics!" He yells over the loud music, holding up two fingers. Ian grabs his wrist and guides him through the packed crowd to two empty seats by the bar.

"So, how'd you start the band?" Ian asks, as the bartender walks over and hands them their drinks.

Mickey takes a gulp, "Back in high school, Eddie and Max were desperate for a drummer. And my bitch of a sister, Mandy, just flat out tells Max that I drum. And Max being the guy he is wouldn't let me say no."

Ian laughs a real belly laugh that makes Mickey's heart flutter, "Sounds like a good guy." He smiles and raises his glass, "To crazy friends, unexpected bands, and... sisters who don't know how to keep their mouths shut."

Mickey grins and clinks his glass. "Wanna get outta here?" He smiles suggestingly.

"Thought you'd never ask."

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