Unfair Reality

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Mickey never cared much for kids. Couldn't stand their screeching, their constant crying, the gross diapers, and the non-stop drooling.

He grew up with a bunch of siblings – a little sis and three older bros – so Mickey never really had to deal with babies. He steered clear of them like they were on fire. But then came his daughter.

Mickey's taken aback by how he's warmed up to the little one. She's surprisingly quiet, and there's a softness in his heart when he holds her. Yet, when it comes to changing diapers and baby stuff, he's quick to pass.

Ian, on the other hand, is all hands on deck. Sometimes, he's even more involved than Svetlana. Mickey can tell Ian's enamored with the idea of having a child. It's not that Mickey doesn't care; he's just not sure if he's ready to dive into fatherhood. Having a kid wasn't exactly on his agenda. He was all about playing instruments and gigs with his band and hell, maybe even going on tour someday.

A kid kind of puts a damper on that freedom.

There's a certain cruelty to it if he's being honest with himself. The realization that he's not as free to do whatever he wants anymore feels like a heavy weight on his shoulders. However, Mickey is determined not to repeat the mistakes of his father. He won't neglect or mistreat his child; that much he's sure of. In fact, he's already thinking about teaching her the guitar when she's older.

Mickey swirls his drink absentmindedly, his thoughts drifting to the upcoming gig with his band. He's nervous, not just because of the performance but also because he's now outed. He can't shake off the worry about what people might say or how they'll react when they see them onstage. What if they start fucking booing or some shit? It is the south side after all.

Ian senses Mickey's unease and nudges him gently. "Hey, everything alright?"

Mickey manages a half-hearted smile. "Yeah, just thinking about the gig."

"Any particular reason?" Ian sips his beer, a hint of concern in his voice.

Mickey scoffs. "Yeah, all the fans now know I'm a fuckin' pole smoker."

Ian's expression shifts to confusion. "What? Who gives a shit? It's nobody's business."

Mickey raises an eyebrow. "You think they won't care?"

Ian shrugs. "If they do, fuck 'em. I'll knock their fucking teeth out."

Mickey's lips twitch into a small smile. "Thanks."

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