I mis Chicgo

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Ian's camera is a familiar weight in his hands, a tool that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary with a click of a button. He wanders through the rainy streets, his eyes keenly attuned to the subtle beauty hidden within the greyness and dullness of the day.

He captures the droplets clinging to cobwebs like delicate jewels, the intricate patterns on rain-streaked windows, and the play of light and shadow as clouds drift across the sky. Each click of the shutter is a moment frozen in time, now forever in his possession.

Ian pulls out the letter from his pocket that arrived in the post a couple of days ago. The familiar scrawl brings a bittersweet smile to his lips.


Minasoda's OK. I mis Chicgo. Playng the gig soon, a lota peple. A bit nervis.

Love u Fier-crotch,


Ian can almost hear Mickey's voice reading it out loud. His voice seems to echo through the words, carrying a blend of homesickness and excitement to them. It's been about a week since Mickey left. Their goodbye was a blur of mounting each other all day and most of the night, until they'd both been too exhausted to continue. Ian remembers waking up in the early hours, reaching out for Mickey's warmth only to find empty sheets and his lingering scent with a note that just had a poorly drawn heart on it. It was, however, enough to make Ian chuckle softly, appreciating his boyfriend's effort.

Ian steps through the door of the Milkovich residence. He had promised Mandy that he would join her for some quality time with Yevgeniya and watch a movie or two. Yevgeniya's coos as he enters, flailing her tiny arms in greeting. Ian's heart melts at the sight of her. Her eyes are almost the exact replica of Mickey's. The way her eyes mirror Mickey's spark of mischief and warmth. Ian is fascinated by it.

"Hey there, little lady," Ian coos back, his smile widening as he bends down to scoop her up into his arms. He can't help but shower her forehead with soft kisses.

"Hi, Ian!" Mandy's smile brightens the room as she emerges from the bathroom. "I rented the classic Star Wars movies."

"Oh, hell yes. I fucking love Star Wars," Ian exclaims with enthusiasm, a grin spreading across his face as he bounces Yevie gently in his arms.

Mandy smiles excitedly. "Great! Take a seat, I've got some hot pockets in the oven," Mandy says as she heads towards the kitchen.

He carefully sits Yevie down in her cozy bassinet, making sure she's comfortable, before reaching up to spin the hanging stars above it. The gentle movement captures Yevie's attention, and she gazes up with wide-eyed wonder, completely captivated by the twinkling stars above.

The night unfolds as anticipated, with Mandy and Ian devouring their warm snacks while engrossed in the movie. Yevgeniya remains snug and content in her bassinet, occasionally cooing in response to the sounds from the film.

The credits roll and Ian stands up, stretching his stiff arms and legs. "Cool if I crash here tonight?" he asks casually.

"Yeah, sure," Mandy replies with a sleepy yawn.

Ian's gaze softens as he looks over at Yevgeniya, who has peacefully drifted into slumber, her tiny chest rising and falling rhythmically. With a silent smile, he quietly slips into Mickey's bedroom.

Settling into the bed, Ian can't help but reach for the pillow that still carries Mickey's scent. He hugs it close, inhaling deeply, letting the familiar aroma wash over him. The scent of Mickey is like a drug to Ian, calming his mind and easing any worries. He closes his eyes, letting the comforting embrace of the pillow and the familiar surroundings of Mickey's room gently guide him into a peaceful sleep.

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