I Love You

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"Ah, Fuck, Ian!" Mickey groans as Ian gives a particularly intense thrust into the black-haired man. The van creaks and moves as they impatiently synchronize their movements. Mickey looks up at the redhead, completely starstruck as Ian buries himself deeper, hitting that spot that makes him go absolutely feral. Mickey sucks in a breath between his gritted teeth, trying to suppress the impending orgasm.



"Say my name again."

"Ian." He growls in his ear, which makes Ian even more enthralled. He moans and burrows his face in Mickey's shoulder.

Often, the sex would be rough, hard, and fast. But as Ian's hips move this time, it's different—slow, tender, exploring Mickey in a way that makes him feel a tingling sensation in his heart. Like a giddy high-schooler.

He's so close he can feel himself standing on the edge, heels teetering, dipping a little but not falling yet. His balls draw up, and he holds Ian tight in his arms, digging his heels into the freckled back. This man is perfect, Mickey thinks, as they press impossibly tight together. They share deep kisses, letting their tongues dance in their usual rhythm. Ian moves his hips urgently, pounding Mickey's prostate with every thrust.

He sludders something he can't quite hear between the kisses and the drunkenness and the mind-blowing sex as he feels himself tighten around Ian's pulsing manhood. He comes hard, eyelids fluttering, back arching, legs tensing in that way he knows he's gonna be sore tomorrow. This time feels different—something warm and unfamiliar in the air... Love? He shudders with every spasm.

Ian comes inside him, and they're left breathing heavily, chests rising against one another's. Mickey opens his eyes slowly to gaze at the man above him.

Ian pulls out gently and sits back to look at Mickey, all sweaty and red. Mickey's favorite color.

"You serious?"

Mickey looks at him in confusion, "What?"

"You said 'I love you'."

Mickey looks at his man, his redhead. The air in the van feels charged. He blinks at Ian, trying to process what was just said amid their tangled limbs. He remembers. It was intentional.

"So what?" Mickey grumbles, his voice a bit rough, not meeting Ian's gaze.

A small smile plays on Ian's lips, "So you're serious?"

Mickey shrugs, his tone defensive, "Well, it slipped out. It's not a big deal."

But Ian doesn't seem to think so. He cups Mickey's cheek, forcing their eyes to meet. "Mick. We've never... you know, said it."

Mickey looks away, a strange mix of emotions swirling inside him. Vulnerability isn't his forte and the weight of the unspoken floats in the confined space of the van.

Ian presses a soft kiss to Mickey's forehead before pulling him into a hug, "It's okay, you know. I feel the same."

Mickey huffs a quiet laugh, "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Ian replies, his gaze warm and sincere. "I love you too, Mickey."

Mickey's heart does a weird flip in his chest, and for a moment, he's at a loss for words at the redhead's seriousness in his voice and the earnestness in his eyes as he says the words. He's not used to this, the tenderness, the openness. But looking into Ian's eyes, he finds a reassurance that maybe, just maybe, this is a side of love he can embrace. Ian leans in, capturing Mickey's lips in a sweet, sweet kiss.

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