The Healing of Music

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"Hey, hey, now, little munchkin," Ian murmurs, trying to soothe the fussing baby. "What's the deal, huh? You're fed, you're changed, you've had your nap. What's bugging you, huh?"

Lip joins Ian on the couch, giving a sympathetic nod. "How's it going?"

Ian shrugs wearily. "I'm beat, she's still fussing." He chuckles lightly, trying to lighten the mood despite the exhaustion.

"Maybe she's missing her dad?"

Ian's expression softens as he looks down at the baby. "You think so?" he asks, feeling a pang of longing himself.

"It's possible," Lip suggests, his gaze shifting towards the TV which is playing Grease in the background. "Maybe she's just missing those musical vibes? Mickey does play a lot." he muses with a grin.

Ian chuckles, the idea sparking some enthusiasm. "You think so? Alright, let's give it a shot, turn up the volume," he says, standing up with the baby in his arms and moving closer to the TV. Lip chuckles and pulls out Ian's phone to record him singing along to "Summer Nights", swaying gently with the baby in his arms. Gradually, the baby's cries fade away, replaced by curious coos and babbling as she listens intently to the melody.

Lip watches the heartwarming scene unfold, still recording Ian's little dance. "Look at that," Lip remarks with a grin. "You've got a little music lover right here."

Ian smiles down at the baby. "She's got good taste," he quips, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten.


Mickey huffs and puffs, the adrenaline of the impending performance mixing with his nerves. They're about to step out onto a massive stage, facing a sea of eager faces. Shit, they're all here for them, he thinks.

That's fucking crazy.

Just as he's about to silence his buzzing phone, he notices a message from Ian. Without hesitation, Mickey opens the message. The tension on his face softens into a gentle smile as he watches the video.

Ian is effortlessly swaying Yevgeniya in his arms, singing along to a song playing on the TV. The love and warmth radiating from the video fill Mickey's heart, momentarily easing his pre-performance jitters.

Oh, how he loves this man.

"Alright, we're on!" Max's voice cuts through Mickey's thoughts, bringing him back to the present moment. Mickey swiftly pockets his phone, feeling the rush of adrenaline as he steps onto the stage, greeted by the deafening roar of the crowd.

The stage lights blaze, as they always do, blinding them.

Max steps up to the mic, a sly twinkle in his eye as he surveys the excited crowd before him. Flashing a charismatic smile, he leans in and begins, "Well, well, well, look at this lively bunch tonight. Did y'all take a wrong turn on your way to the karaoke joint? Don't worry, it's just down that block and then you turn left over there!"

The audience bursts into laughter and cheers, clearly enjoying Max's banter.

"I have to say, I'm digging the energy here. Feels like we're in for somethin' wild, am I right?" Max continues, his playful tone eliciting more chuckles from the crowd. "But before we kick things off, let's take a moment to appreciate those brave souls who left their earplugs at home!"

The crowd roars with laughter and applause, showing their enthusiasm for the upcoming performance. Max nods to his bandmates.

And with a grin that promises a night to remember, Max dives into the first song, igniting the stage with energy and excitement.

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