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Inside the clandestine enclave, the air was thick with tension as shadowy figures gathered around a dimly lit table

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Inside the clandestine enclave, the air was thick with tension as shadowy figures gathered around a dimly lit table. The flickering light cast eerie shadows on their faces, obscuring their identities and adding to the aura of secrecy that permeated the room.

Urgent whispers filled the space, mingling with the soft hum of electronic devices, as the group discussed matters of grave importance.

"We are running out of time." declared one figure, his voice laced with urgency as he addressed the others.

The weight of their mission hung heavy in the air, each member acutely aware of the consequences of failure."If we don't act soon, we'll lose control of everything"

A heavy silence followed, punctuated only by the rustle of papers and the occasional beep of machinery. The gravity of their predicament seemed to press down on them, casting a somber mood over the gathering. Yet, amidst the tension, there was an unspoken resolve—a determination to confront the challenges ahead head-on.

Another figure spoke up, his voice filled with determination."Let's bring him in," he suggested, his words carrying a sense of purpose.  "He's out best shot at unraveling this mess."

The suggestion was met with murmurs of agreement, the group acknowledging the necessity of their next move.

Without hesitation, the leader reached for his phone, his fingers moving with purpose as he dialed a number. Each ring seemed to echo in the tense atmosphere, signaling the beginning of a pivotal moment in their clandestine operation. The outcome of this call could shape the course of their mission—and their futures.

Meanwhile, as Avyaan found himself standing near the exit of college with Tanya as they walked here together discussing about the earlier topic.

Just as Avyaan was about to say something to her, his phone rang, interrupting the moment. Startled, he glanced at the caller ID, his brow furrowing in surprise. Without a word, he answered the call, his expression unreadable as he listened to the voice on the other end.

With a heavy heart, he apologized to Tanya, regret coloring his voice as he explained the need for his sudden departure.

"I need to go, but I will surely treat you dinner once I am back. I promise!" he said, his words rushed and anxious while a sense of gratitude covered it up.

The sense of duty that compelled him was palpable, driving him to action even as his heart longed to stay. Tanya watched him go, a mix of confusion and concern clouding her features.

Rushing out into the evening, Avyaan's panic mounted when he realized his car was unavailable.
"Shit!" he said gritting his teeths Frantically, he retraced his steps, his mind racing as he searched for a solution. Then, in a moment of clarity, he remembered a prior conversation with Tanya—a conversation that held the key to his dilemma.

Hurrying back to Tanya, Avyaan's desperation was evident in his eyes as he made his request. "Can I borrow your bike?"   he blurted out, the words tumbling from his lips in a rush. "I will explain later, but I really need it right now."  His urgency was undeniable, his need pressing.

Though taken aback by his sudden request, She sensed the gravity of the situation. Without hesitation, she handed over the keys, her trust in him unwavering. As Avyaan mounted the bike and vanished into the darkness, Tanya was left alone with her thoughts, a sense of foreboding settling over her like a heavy shroud.

As the evening swallowed Avyaan's departure, Tanya couldn't shake the feeling that their paths were destined to cross again. The enigmatic nature of their connection left her pondering the mysteries that lay ahead, uncertain of what the future held for them both. Yet, despite the uncertainty, there was a glimmer of hope—a belief that somehow, they would find their way back to each other.

"Pick me up from the college" She spoke on the call.

"I will be there in 1 mins"  The other side person replied.

After 10 minutes the person arrived, revealing his identity.
Rohan, His friend and the one who took Avyaan's Car. She talked towards the car settling inside on the passenger seat.

"Why did you make me take his car? What if he doubts me or us?" He spoke with concern and curiosity.

"He doesn't seem like who is new here, and I can't let my guards down." She spoke with seriousness.
"Did you find anything or something weird related to him?" She added.

"He works for someone, But I can't reach into that depth, give me some time to discover his true identity."  Rohan replied.

"When we were leaving the college, he recieved a call, it seemed important as he rushed. It was a nice idea to take his car away, he took my Darci (bike) with him. Search for its location, I need it." She stared at the notes she had in her hands.

"A-, Tanya, I know you are desperately finding out about them, but we cant just invade anybody's privacy..."  Rohan spoke.

"You entered this college because it was where your parents met, and from the past 3 years we have been dwelling into each person's identity and works." He spoke with concern and worried eyes.

"Doesn't matter to me, I wouldn't stop until I find them, no matter what I have to do or go through." She spoke with determination lingering in her eyes.


I came here early morning to check if the updates have been made, and I was welcomed with people liking and supporting the story.

I am so glad that I am reaching out to "my" audience.
Thankyou for the support.
Do connect with me on Instagram @poeticraizel_
Yours Raizel.

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