
43 5 14

- Heaven sent you to me~

Hobi and Jimin took a seat at the last corner, so that they wouldn't get caught by Jeongguk.

"Hobi look at that jerk being all smiley with that girl, she is pretty but not as much as tae, he doesn't even treat tae well" jimin was infuriated and sighed.

Jeongguk and the girl who was sitting in front of him, both were busy having their conversations.

"I can't see this let me call Taetae, he should know about this" Jimin held out his phone in his hands, but Hobi stopped him.

"You know this will hurt Tae right, maybe those two are just friends let's not create a misunderstanding between a married couple" Hobi suggests.

"So you're telling me that we should keep this as a secret? And not to tell Tae about this? When all along he is getting hurt by Jeongguk? We will tell Tae about this so that he can ask jeongguk or to know that Jeongguk told him or not" Jimin calls Taehyung and hobi doesn't stop him this time.

Taehyung had arrived home at 5 itself, he was watching the kdrama series on television while munching on his wafers, suddenly he hears his phone ringing he quickly receives Jimin's call

On call:

"Hey taetae are you at home?" Jimin speaks before he could.

"Yes Jiminie, What happened?" Taehyung picks more wafers to chew on it.

"Where is Jeongguk? Why didn't he take you home after your work?" Jimin wants to clarify about Jeongguk.

"He might be busy, I didn't see him anywhere near our office so I just took a bus" Taehyung said.

"Actually me and hobi hyung both went to the café next to our apartment you know that one right? So we saw Jeongguk with a girl, both were talking so we thought to inform you" Jimin hesitantly tells him.

So his husband is with a girl in a café? That means that they are on a date and he doesn't even know about this? He didn't know how to react to this, but his heart shattered by hearing this, he could think about all negative things possible right now.

"What do you mean chim? So Jeongguk is there with a girl? So what should I do about it?" He hissed "Taetae just calm down okay it can be his friend or a colleague, don't worry wait--I'll call you later" with this the call got cut.

The drama series which he found interesting wasn't interesting anymore, he just laid down on the couch, mind again invading with thoughts.

Jimin saw jeongguk and the girl leaving from café, so he cut the call "Jimin they are leaving what do we do now?" hobi asks "follow them?" Jimin boringly said "Then what about this food?"

"So you're more worried about food than taetae? Seriously hyung" Jimin made a done face, they immediately left the cafe trying to catch up with jeongguk.

Meanwhile jeongguk had taken the girl with him in his car maybe to somewhere, Hobi took his motorbike and Jimin joined him both trying to follow him from behind.

Jimin again called Taehyung.

On call:

"Taetae... we left the café and we are following Jeongguk" he exclaims.

"What? Why would you do that? What if he gets to know?---" Taehyung was cut off "He really took her in his car so you want us to see that and be like nothing happened? He is literally taking her on a date, we want to observe him then at the right time attack him"

Taehyung was speechless, he still couldn't believe all this because somewhere he knew that Jeongguk would not hurt him to this level but still he can't help but overthink.

"Taetae are you there? Can you hear me? Jimin asked "yes--send me the location-- I'll be there---" he shuttered "Why tae we are here right? Why you want to come?" suddenly hobi stops the motorbike.

"Jimin you see he is taking her inside that fashion store" hobi points out to Jimin.

"Okay taetae come fast we will be here in the fashion store...I sent you location" jimin cuts the call.

Taehyung rushed to change his outfit and immediately took a cab, the sent location was nearby to their house he wanted to reach there as soon as possible.

Finally he reached there within 10 minutes, he called jimin again. Jimin told him that he was inside the store.

Taehyung went inside and found jimin in the 2nd floor... "Taetae here can you see us?" Jimin waves his hand towards him.

Taehyung went to Jimin, he found Jeongguk with a pretty girl in the women's clothing section and the girl was selecting outfits and asking Jeongguk if it suits her.

So Jeongguk has someone who gets his attention, that's the reason he was told to give him personal space and he doesn't want to share his bedroom with me, he avoids me because he don't find me attractive now? Does he love that person? But he said he doesn't have any love interest before our marriage right? Maybe he found her recently who knows. Am I that bad for him to find someone else. Then he could have rejected me, does he want to hurt me? Taehyung thought-

He kept on looking at him without being aware of him getting caught by Jeongguk.

"Taetae if you keep staring at him like that he will find you" jimin quietly says.

He immediately averted his sight from them.

He felt vulnerable right now, his husband didn't even take him on dates after their wedding, they didn't go on wedding trips like how other couples do, nor do they talk and share their personal things and feelings. Doesn't he consider him as his husband?

They weren't like this before their marriage though, he thought they would do all things which couple in love would be. But why things got so distant between them? Did he do something wrong to Jeongguk or is he trying to take revenge on him like it happens in dramas? He shook his head? He was getting those intrusive thoughts.

"Taetae what are you thinking? They're now going upstairs now" jimin took Taehyung along with hobi.

They followed them, now Jeongguk and the girl were in the men's clothing section selecting shirts, taehyung couldn't watch this anymore. He felt betrayed he held himself tearing up, he didn't want to cry and sound weak like a kid. He's a grown up omega.

"Jiminie let's go from here I don't want to play this hide and seek anymore " Taehyung wavered.

"But Taetae we must find out who is that girl and why did he bring her here? If he's betraying you from behind then I will smack him" Jimin was angry he couldn't see his bestie getting hurt by Jeongguk.

"He will know that we followed him like fools, I don't want to face him now Jiminie, I'm tired" Taehyung whimpers.

"Yeah let's go but I don't see him though where did they go?" Hobi says.

"Maybe they left, anyways they left how about we do some shopping here, I'll buy you something from Gucci" jimin tries to cheer up Taehyung.

"Really will you buy for me, you're the best jiminie i don't know what I would do without you and even hobi hyung" Taehyung looked so innocent like a baby , so they both cooed at him.

"Look here tae, this jacket will slay on you" jimin found a jacket for Taehyung.

"Taehyung? What are you doing here?"

Who could that be? 👀

That's all for today
Take care 💜

𝗚𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗠𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 [𝗧𝗞]Where stories live. Discover now