Chapter 4- My boss and her CEO

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I thought I'd stay in the office a little late today to catch up on some paperwork, it's a lot better than doing it at home anyways. I'm pretty sure it's only me left in here, although I think my boss and the CEO might still be upstairs.

I log out of my computer, putting all of the paperwork back into its folder and tidying up my desk quickly before I leave. I grab my handbag and walk over to the elevator, deciding to head upstairs and see if anybody else is here.

I know that there's no one from my department still in the building, but I've noticed that my boss, Miss Langley, usually likes to stay a bit later in the evening. She's usually here with Miss Levine, the CEO of the company, but I'm not sure why they always seem to be together at the end of the day.

I reach the top floor, walking out into the hallway and checking to see I'd anybody else is up here. I hear a noise coming from the head office, so I walk over to the door slowly. On the other side, I can hear faint moans and whimpers coming from two women.

There's no way..surely they're not doing it in here?

"Darling, stop for a moment." I hear somebody whisper, "She's here, I can tell."

My body freezes, completely unable to move as my heart rate increases. That was definitely Miss Langley's voice, so I think Miss Levine might be in there with her since it's her office. But there's no way that they know it's me just by standing here.

"Sweetheart, come in." Miss Levine says softly.

I open the door slowly, noticing that she's sat at her office chair with Miss Langley kneeling on the floor. The both of them stand up as I walk in, and my face goes bright red.

"What were you doing outside my door, Hallie?" Miss Levine asks me.

"I was just checking to see if anybody else was in the building before I left." I tell her.

"That doesn't explain why you were stood outside my office for a fair few minutes."

"I..uhm." I stutter, not able to think of anything else to say to them both.

"You weren't eavesdropping, were you, darling?" Miss Langley asks me, walking forwards a little.

"No! I was just a little surprised by what I heard and I..I was about to leave when you told me to come in." I explain.

"Shut the door behind you, love."

I do as she says, closing the door and Miss Levine walks closer to me, a small smirk playing on the corner of her lips. She tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, placing her hand on my cheek and smiling at me softly.

"I really want to kiss you right now." She tells me, "Are you okay with that?"

"Yes." I whisper almost immediately.

She presses her soft lips against mine, and I close my eyes as I get butterflies in my stomach. At first, the kiss doesn't seem too heated, but I find myself desperately wanting more in a matter of seconds. I grab her waist and pull her closer to deepen the kiss, eagerly wanting to feel her.

"My, my, somebody's desperate for us." Miss Langley says, walking over to us as we separate from each other.

"You're not as innocent as you seem, are you, princess?" Miss Levine says with a small smirk on her face.

"Miss..please..I need-"

"You can drop the formalities, baby. Lara is just fine." She smiles.

"Lara..I really need you. I need to feel you." I whisper.

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