Chapter 3- Work Trip

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I roll my eyes as we both walk into the hotel room, noticing that there's one double bed and that's it. No sofa, no armchair, nothing. Unless one of us wants to literally sleep on the floor, we're going to have to share the bed.

Me and Taylor don't have the best history. We never get on when we have to work together, so it's even worse that we've been paired up together during this work trip. I never would've agreed to this if I knew that being partnered up with her meant that I'd have to share a bed with her.

"Fucksake." I hear her mutter underneath her breath as she walks into the room, putting her suitcase by the wardrobe and taking a look around. I shut the door behind us, walking further into the room and taking a deep breath.

"You can't tell me there's not even one free room in this place? That's absolutely bullshit." She says.

"Stop being so hesitant to share a room with me, you're acting like a child." I tell her.

She turns around, walking over to me slowly, "Not only am I sharing a room with you, but also a bed. I suggest you stop talking, it's not exactly like you want to do this either."

I roll my eyes, putting my suitcase by the wardrobe as well and heading into the bathroom. I lock the door, walking over to the sink and taking a look in the mirror. I splash my face with cold water, taking deep breaths and trying to prepare myself for this week.


It's only the second day here, and it's already been absolute hell. Sharing a room with Taylor was not what I was expecting when I signed up for this.

Last night, we slept quite far apart from each other on the double bed, trying our best to ignore each other's existence. But it's quite hard when the person you hate this much is the person you've been partnered up with for this entire week.

We've just had a work meeting and it's quite late, so we're both pretty stressed out. As we walk into the hotel room, Taylor heads straight for the bathroom to get changed into something else and I sit on the bed, turning on the TV.

When she comes out of the bathroom, she puts her clothes away before sitting down on the bed next to me. I don't even look at her or say a word as she does so, keeping my eyes on the TV.

"What exactly is your problem with me?" Taylor asks, turning to face me.

I don't answer her.

"Are you just going to ignore me, darling?"

I sigh, "What do you want?"

"I want to know why you seem to have such a shitty attitude all the time. I haven't done anything to you."

"You constantly make unnecessary comments about being around me, you're rude and ignorant, I don't see a reason to have a good attitude around you." I tell her, pausing the TV to turn and face her.

"Careful, sweetheart. You don't want to get too bold." Taylor warns me with a stern look on her face.

"Or what?"

"Or I won't hesitate to fuck the attitude out of you myself." She says, a small smirk playing on the corner of her lips.

"Do it then."

Taylor looks me up and down, clearly surprised at the words that have just left my lips. She turns the TV off, pushing me down onto the bed harshly before straddling my hips.

"You're sure about this? I'm not going to go gentle." She asks me softly.

"I'm sure."

Taylor leans down, smashing her soft lips onto mine and kissing me passionately. She wastes no time before slipping her tongue into my mouth, using one hand to pin both of mine above my head. I whimper into the kiss once she presses her knee right in between my thighs, rubbing over the area teasingly.

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