Chapter 12- Library

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I sit in the corner of the university library by myself, focused on the books that I'm currently reading. School finished around an hour and a half ago, so I'm guessing everybody has probably left by now, but sometimes I just like to sit in here alone. It helps to take my mind off things.

I jump as the door opens, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as I realize who it is. I don't know why Miss Hart would still be at school, I thought she would have other places to be.

Elodie and I have been seeing each other for about two months now, but I don't really know whether to call it dating or not. It's been hard, having to make sure that nobody from school noticed anything so that we both don't get in trouble, but I do really like her and so I'm willing to risk it.

But yesterday afternoon, Elodie told me that maybe it would be best if we put a pin in our relationship until I graduate, which is four months away. I understand her point, I really do, but it felt way too much like a temporary breakup and that scared the shit out of me.

We had a small argument and we haven't talked to each other since. I was quiet in her class earlier since I didn't know what to do, it's just made me feel so alone.

"I thought I could find you in here." Elodie says, walking up to me with a smile. I put my bookmark on the page I'm currently on, closing the book and resting it in my lap.

"Look, my love. I'm so sorry about yesterday, I was just really stressed and worried. My suggestion wasn't a good idea in the slightest, I've realized that now." She says.

"It's okay." I whisper.

"Do you want to come back to mine this evening so that we can talk? It's Friday so you can even stay over if you'd like to, but no pressure." She smiles.

How could I possibly say no? I can never even manage to sleep at home without her there to make me feel safe.

"Yeah, I'd like that."


Elodie hands me a glass of wine, placing hers on the coffee table as she sits down next to me on the sofa. I smile at her as I take it, trying to act calm to hide my internal panicking.

"There are so many things I love about you, Charlotte." She says, taking my hand, "Especially how determined you are to not let the people you love slip away. I realized after you went home yesterday that I should've listened to you properly. I really am sorry."

"Thank you." I smile, "But you don't need to be sorry, I argued with you just as much as you did with me.'

"That's not the point, my love. I was trying to protect you by suggesting to put a pin in our relationship for the next few months, I didn't want you to risk anything for me. But I know that it's not necessary, I know that we'll be okay." She explains, rubbing my hand with her thumb gently.

"I just didn't want to lose you, I would've missed coming over every night and being in a place where I actually feel safe. I would've missed you way too much."

"And that's the other thing that made me rethink it, sweetheart. Stopping you coming over, it would make me feel so distant and I wouldn't want to put you in that position either." Elodie tells me.

"I love you so much." I whisper, wiping my eyes as I tear up.

"I love you too, baby, so god damn much." She says, pulling me into a hug and rubbing her hand over my back gently.


"Are you hungry?" I ask her softly, realizing that it's quite late and neither of us have eaten yet.

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