2 surprise

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Alex's POV (on the phone talking to Clark)
"Hey Clark, Kara has a surprise for you."
"Is she hurt?"
"No, no, no, she is fine. She has a happy surprise for you. Just be at her house tomorrow at 12"
"K, I'll be there,"
Kara/Supergirl POV
"Hey Kara," Clark says as he walks in.
"Hey, cuz, what brings you here?"
"Um, Alex said you have a surprise,"
"Oh yeah, I do have a surprise... um, there is another person from Krypton on this planet."
"Oh, where is this person?"
"I um this person is also a Daxamite." I smile
"Oh really,"
"So enemies to lovers kinda story"
I nodd
"You and Mon-El?"
"Yep," I smile
"Well, congrats, so is Supergirl gonna tell the city, or is she gonna let everyone figure it out,"
"I don't know, you will have to ask her yourself," I say as I smile, then I start to feel dizzy.
"Hey, you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit dizzy and my powers are acting weird."
"Here, sit down." He says as he pushes me to the couch, then he goes to get a cup of water and brings it to me.
"Thanks," I take a drink of the water "I wish I knew why this is happening"
"You do have similar symptoms that I had when I first came to earth," Clark says
"That kinda makes sense"
"Why don't we watch a movie"
"Yeah, um what movie?" I ask
"Um we could watch Spiderman"
"Yeah sure"
"I'll go make popcorn," he says as he hands me the remote and walks away.
My phone beeps so I check it,
There is a live audio recording with screams and people calling out for help.
Then I put my phone down beside Clark and jump out the window to go rescue people.
"Kara" Clark yells as he starts to follow me.
"Can you go help them?" I say pointing at a few people who are about to fall then I go to make sure a building doesn't fall over then I start to feel dizzy again.
"Superman, can you come help" I say
"Yeah just give me two seconds," Clark says then he flies over to me and fixes the broken support beam, then he flies up to me.
"You good," he asks
"Kal you don't have to worry about me I'm fine" I respond
"You are stubborn," Kal says
"Yes I am" I agree then I fly to the DEO to talk to Alex.
"Alex, why did you tell Kal?" I ask
"you never would have on your own," she says
"Whatcha talkin' about," Winn asks
"I'll tell you later, Winn," I say
"Kara's pregnant," Alex says
"ALEX, stop telling people, I will tell people when I'm ready," I say half yelling
"I'm sorry I'm just so happy for you"
"I thought you were the sister that is great at keeping secrets"

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