6 interview

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1 WEEK LATER (17 weeks pregnant)
I start to look through CatCo's news website on my computer then I notice a title.
Reports say Supergirl was spotted just earlier today with what looks like a small pregnancy bump. We know that Kryptonians can not get fat on this planet due to a higher metabolism rate.
I only read the first paragraph before sending it to Alex then I change into my super suit and fly over to CatCo to see Cat Grant (in this fan fic she didn't leave and is still working at CatCo)
I land on the CatCo balcony to go talk to Cat Grant the reporter who posted the article saying that I am pregnant.
"Hi, Supergirl, or should I say Kara," she says
"I'm not Kara"
"Kara and supergirl are both pregnant at the same time and when you lost your powers the first time Kara was sick and she had a broken arm that healed really quickly and there are more things that I'm not going to say, oh and don't worry I won't tell anyone, until you are ready course," she says
"Fine my name is Kara zor-el"
"Kara, can you give an interview about the pregnancy?" She says as I start to leave
"Fine... tomorrow I have to go" Then I fly off
(Kara is in her supergirl outfit)
"Kara get over here," Cat Grant yells
"Kara isn't here right now," I say so she will be quiet.
"Oh yes right, Winn you will fill in for Kara today," Cat says
"Ok," he says with a bit of annoyance in his voice and a glare on his face.
"Chop Chop," she says
"So, supergirl we are here tonight to ask you some questions," Cat says as we start the interview.
"Yes," I say
"So are you pregnant?" She asks
"Yes I am around 17 weeks," I say
"So can I ask what is your relationship with the father," she says
"Uh, he isn't currently on Earth," I say.
"So do you have a name picked out?" Cat asks
"No, not yet," I say
Cat Grant then checks the comments
"A few comments have asked do you get cravings?"
"What is one of your cravings"
"Ache col to, it is Krypton's chocolate," I say
(A/N ache col to is a food I made up it is not canon)

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