14 mom

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"I thought you were dead," I say to my mother.
"Wait if you thought I was dead you weren't looking for me so why are you here," Alura asks.
"We are looking for a rock to defend the earth from a Worldkiller, we followed the radiation signature here," I say.
"Harun-el," alura says
"You know what it is?"
"Yes, come this way," she walks away so we follow her into a room with a large chunk of Harun-el in the middle "I will have to gather the council which will take a few hours but in the meantime, I was hoping to get to know my daughter," Alura says
"Ok," I say happily.
Then we both walk to her house and she asks a friend of hers and asks them to gather the council.
"So what have you been doing?" Alura asks
"I was adopted by the nicest family Eliza and Jeremiah, and a sister Alex,"
"That's so great,"
"I'm getting married after the worldkillers are defeated,"
"And who is the lucky guy," Alura asks
"Its a surprise,"
"Is he nice?"
"He was horrible when we first met but he changed so much, and his mom tried to take over the earth but we stopped her, and I have a little girl, Rose," I say as I show her a picture on my phone.
"She is so beautiful, how old is she?" Alura asks
"She'll be three next week," I say.
Mon-El walks in "The council is ready,"

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