9 Imra and Mon-El

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Mon-el pov
"Imra can we talk?" I ask
"Yeah," she says, then we go back to the legion ship.
"I uh remember when we first met, how I couldn't stop talking about Kara?"
"As you know she was my girlfriend when the thing with the lead getting in the air and me having to leave Earth, well it turns out that that happened almost 9 months ago in this time," I say nervously.
"You are the father of her pregnancy," she says.
"So you are breaking up with me so you can take care of your kid?" She asks
"Yeah," I say quietly.
"Hey it's ok I understand"
"Just go already I know you want to," she says
"Really," I ask
"Yeah, I see how you look at her it's obvious you still love her," Imra says
"But what about" I start
"Technically we aren't married yet so don't worry about that," she cuts me off.
"Ok," I say as I walk away
"Bye," she waves, still seeming happy, which is weird. I've never seen someone that happy right after their husband broke up with them.
Kara pov
I feel the baby kick a few times then I feel pain in my lower stomach and more a while later and the pains get closer together till they get to around 10 minutes apart.
Then someone knocks on the door of my apartment "Come in" I say then Mon-el walks in.
"Hey," he says
Then I grunt as another pain happens "Hey"
"You ok" he asks
"Yeah, I'm fine it just hurts a bit," I say then he walks over to me and hugs me. "What was that for?" I ask, hugging him back.
"Am I not allowed to hug you?" He says
"You are allowed to hug me but what about Imra?" I say
"We broke up," he says
"She said that she has to go back to the future soon and she didn't want the little one to grow up with a dad and she also noticed I was staring at you," he says
"Oh, you were staring at me" I ask then another pain happens.
"Yeah, but we should get you to the DEO med bay," he says
"Yeah good idea," I say as he picks me up and brings me there.

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