8 he's back

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"Alex don't tell me what to do, I'm coming," I say to her.
"Kara you are staying here," Alex says
"Alex my ship is safe, she isn't going to get hurt," Mon-El says
"Fine," Alex says as we start to walk to the spaceship.
"Crap, crap, crap," Mon-El says as starts to open a tank that is holding a person who is drowning in some yellow liquid but it's not opening fast enough so he starts to try to break it.
"Back up," I say then I punch it and the girl falls on Mon-El and he wakes her up.
"Imra," he says
"Mon-el, what happened?" she asks
"You almost drowned," he says
"Hi," I say as I walk over to them.
"Who are you" she says
"My name is Kara, Kara Zor-El," I say
"Kara... supergirl?" She says
"How do you know" I ask
"I'm from the 31st century, and you are the greatest superhero ever and all mon-el talked about when we first met," she says
"Oh so in the future I reveal my identity," I ask
"Yeah," she says
"So what is your name" I ask
"Imra," she says
"That is a pretty name," I say
"I'm gonna open the other tanks," Mon-El says as he stands up, then he walks over to each tank and opens them.
"Hey Kara can I talk to you" Mon-El asks
"Yeah," I say
"I um Imra and I had an arranged marriage because her planet, Titan, was against the Earth and her allies. So we had to do something symbolic" he says nervously
"What?" I say
"My pod got pulled through a black hole and landed in the 31st century where I stayed for 7 years, I thought I would never see you again," Mon-El says
"That's a very interesting story," I say
"Yeah," he says.

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