13 New planet

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I drive up to a house then I get out of the car and unbuckle Rose then barry comes out "Hey Barry, thank you so much for watching her while we go get the Harun-el,"
"No problem you guys are being threatened by someone who has put supergirl into a coma," Barry says
"Don't remind me," I say as I hand Barry a bag of Rose's clothes. I walk over to Rose "Rose you have to stay with Nora and Barry and Iris and little Bart for a few days, ok,"
"Is that cause rain is trying to hurt Mommy?" Rose asks
"... yea, but me and Mommy are going to get a rock that will turn her nice so she won't want to hurt Mommy ever again," I say.
"So one question what are her powers?" Barry asks
"Freeze breath, super hearing, flight, and super strength possibly more but I'm not sure, oh and she isn't allowed to use her powers inside,"
"Noted," Barry says.
"Are you sure you'll be ok watching her?" I ask
"Yes, you should go now, go save the world," Barry says
"Thanks again," I say as I get into the car and drive back to National City to get Kara.
We then fly off into space and find the space rock but some force pulls us toward the rock forcing us to make the spaceship shapeshift into a meteor rock, we land safely on the flat side of the space rock and once we are a few feet away from the ship something starts shooting at us so we hide for a few seconds till it leaves then we sneak into the city.

Kara pov
"This place looks oddly familiar like I've been here before," I say to Mon-El as I put on my disguise.
"Yeah," Mon-El says as he checks his map "It should be this way," he says
"Lead the way," I smile.
"And on earth, the soul is lost in destruction, may their flames forever burn in Rao's light," I read. "It's a Kryptonian memorial,"
"This is Krypton?" Mon-El asks
"No, Argo," I say just then kellex bots surround us
"don't move," one says.
"Stand down," someone says behind me
I turn around "Mom?"
"Kara?" She says then we hug. "And Mon-El prince of Daxam?"
"Yeah but Daxam is gone

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