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I look in the mirror and notice my stomach looks slightly bigger than normal so I pull up my shirt so I can see just my stomach, I still can't believe another living being is growing inside me.
Then Alex walks in "Hey, Kara"
"Is this what it feels like to be fat?" I ask
"Kara you can't even get fat, that is a baby growing inside you," Alex says
"I know," I say
"I'm still jealous of you for it," Alex says
Then I put my shirt back in place and try to cover it because only a few people know that I'm pregnant and I want to wait as long as possible to tell people.
Then someone knocks on the door, I use Xray vision to see who it is, Nia
"Come in," I say
"Hi," Nia says
"Hey," I say
"Hello," Alex says
"Hey Kara I can't figure out this one dream that I keep having," Nia says
"What happens in this dream" I ask
"Well you look like you are in a lot of pain you are screaming and all sweaty, then you are playing in a field with a kid that I don't recognize, then Mike hugs the kid picks her up, and sits beside you with her in his lap" she explains
I smile at the thought "I'm pregnant, that's probably what your dream is saying, maybe a painful childbirth then the happiness that comes with that" I say.
"Maybe," Nia says
"That seems logical," Alex says then someone else knocks on the door "Come in."
"Hey," Kelly says
"Hello," Brainy says
"Hi," J'ohn says
"Hey," I say as everyone walks inside and sits down in the living room.
"We should play truth or dare" Alex suggests.
"Sure," Nia says
"Ok I'll start, Kara truth or dare," Alex says
"Um... truth," I say
"What is your deepest darkest secret?"
"I never got over Mon-El and I might never see him again," I say "J'ohn do you like Meg'an?"
"Hey you are supposed to ask if I want a truth or dare," J'ohn says
"When you are in a Danvers house you follow Danvers rules," I say
"Fine yes, I like Meg'an," he says "Um Kelly do you want to be guardian?"
"Yes," Kelly says.
We go on playing truth or dare for a bit then Alex asks "What is one thing Mon-el gave you in the last week he was on earth?"
"Alex you know that he only gave me one thing that week," I say
"That's the point," she says back
"You are the most-" I say but she cuts me off.
"Watch your language, there is a small being in this room," Alex says
"That small being can't even hear yet," I say Then I remember that there are people around.
"What is this small being," Brainy asks.
"I I uh" I try to talk but can't and fly out the window.
J'ohn pov
"I'm confused, what just happened," Brainy says
"I'll go after her," I say as I jump out the window, then I realize she went towards Metropolis where Clark lives so I decided to just go back to the house
"Why did you come back?" Alex asks
"She went to see Clark so I figured just let her calm down on her own"
"Ok, I'm gonna go home," Alex says as she walks out the door.

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