3 Lena

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9 WEEKS LATER (A/N the baby is 11 weeks)
"Kara have you tried to find out if it's a boy or girl," Alex asks
"No, I don't want to yet," I say
"How are you so patient" she asks
"Alex, do you want to watch a movie"
"Um no, do you want to go out"
"Kara you haven't left the house since he left"
"I got new groceries"
"I brought them to you"
"What no"
"That is exactly what happened," Lena says as she walks through the front door
"Hi Lena," I say
"Hey," Alex says then whispers "Does she know yet."
"So how's it going," Lena asks
"Kara hasn't moved at all since Mike left," Alex says.
(A/N Mike is Mon-El's human name)
"I have moved, I had to... OK fine I haven't moved" I say then both Alex and Lena giggle.
"Hey what do you think of Huxley," Alex asks then Lena gives both of us a very confused look.
"I'm pregnant," I say to Lena
"When did this happen?" Lena asks as she walks over to me and hugs me.
"Just over 10 weeks," I say.
"Congrats, do you know if it's a boy or girl"
"No," I say.
"We have to get out of this house today," Alex says
"No" I retort
"I agree with Alex" Lena says
"How could you betray me I thought you were my friends," I say sadly.
"Pregnancy hormones are really getting to you today" Alex teases me
"No that's just me being dramatic," I say
"Ooh I just had an idea why don't we go to Paris for like 2 days," Alex says
"Yeah good idea," Lena says
"I can't carry two people that far," I say receiving another very confused look from Lena
"It's a joke because..." I say
I pulled Alex through a window and I was trying to fly but I don't know how yet she had fainted because she thought we were going to die then I noticed Kal diving toward us and then he rapped his arms around us and brought us to the ground
*Flashback over*
"How old were we when that happened," I say
"I think I was 17, it happened a few months after you moved in with us," Alex says
"Yea," I say

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