17 running out of air

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"Mon-El we should get going before Rose wakes up," I say
"Yeah... ggood idea," he says
"Hey, you ok?" I ask
"Yeah, I'm fine," he says
"You know I don't really believe you," I say
"I'm fine it's just I'm kinda scared to actually talk to your mom," Mon-El says
"Babe you will be fine you've met her before," I say
"Yeah but I didn't talk to her we just said hi then it was like we got to hurry and save the world," he says
"I know I thought I would never talk to her again then when we first saw her I was thinking of just coming straight back here without talking to her at all," I say
"Thanks, Kara," he says then he kisses me.
Then walk over to Rose and pick her up then we go to the spacecar and leave for Argo.
"Rose wake up," I say as we enter Argo's atmosphere.
"Mommy, where are we," she asks
"We are in the city where I was born," I say
"Do we get to see gamy Eliza?" Rose asks
"No, we get to see my real mom Alura," I say smiling.
"Who?" Rose asks.
"You'll see," I say as we land.
Mon-El picks up Rose then we all walk out of the spaceship, Alura and a few of her friends walk out of the forest to greet us.
"Hey, Kara," Alura says as we hug.
"Hi Mom," I say then I turn to Mon-El "Rose, come here," I turn back to my mother as Rose clings to my side "This is Rose, my daughter," I pick up Rose.
"Hello, little one," Alura says to Rose.
Then I notice Rose is having trouble breathing.
"Hey, Rose are you ok," I ask so she nods but then she passes out, I react fast and run as fast as I can back to the ship and put her under the yellow sun lamps.

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