7 visitors from the future

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10 WEEKS LATER (Kara is 29 weeks pregnant or just over 7 months)
A song starts playing then I realize it's my ring tone so I grab my phone and see Alex is calling so I pick up.
"Hey," I say.
"You might want to come to the DEO," Alex says
"Why" I ask
"Um uh just come but take your time," she says then she hangs up, so I change when I finish changing I walk outside and see that James's car is in the parking lot so I walk over it.
"Hey Alex said you might need a ride," he says
"Ugh, I can get places myself, you have an overprotective sister maybe you can help with mine?" I say as I get in the car.
"I'm not gonna try yours is way more stubborn than mine, also you are the one who is pregnant," he says
"Thanks, Thanks a lot, also I'm bulletproof and I have super strength, so being pregnant doesn't really affect me."
"So because I'm human makes me weak?"
"Not what I said, being human doesn't make you weak but I'm not human, ugh it's not coming out right no matter how I say it."
"That's ok I know what you mean," he says as we pull up to the DEO building.
I get out of the car and go find Alex with James following closely behind me then we reach the medbay and I notice someone sleeping on a bed and Alex is sitting nearby "Hey, al-" I stop as I see who the sleeping person is, "m mon-el, he's here and alive even with the lead still in the air" I say surprised.
"Yeah it seems he developed some sort of immunity to it" Alex explains as I start to walk up to them and sit in the chair beside him then Alex leaves.
"Mon-El," I say to him.
"Kara," he says.
"Yeah, it's me," I say then he sits up slowly and I decide to get up and sit on the bed beside him.
"How long have I been gone?" He asks
"7 months," I say
"7 months?" He asks
"Kara, you're pregnant?" he says
"Yeah, I am," I say as I hug him.
"How far along are you?"
"I found out just a few days after the lead thing happened so just over 7 months"
"Oh and if I've been gone for 7 months then I would be the other parent," he says
"Yea," I say then I put my head on his shoulder.
"Kara," he was about to start talking but Alex ran in.
"Um something is happening with your ship," she says to Mon-El "Mon-El can you come deal with it?"
"Yea," he says
"Can I come?" I ask
"Yeah," Mon-El says
"No," Alex says at the same time

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