10 labor

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Eliza Danvers (Alex's mom and adoptive mother of Kara)
My phone started ringing so went to get it.
"Mom?" Alex says from the other end of my phone.
"Alex, hey," I say
"Hey so Kara's gonna have the baby in the next few hours so you should come here tomorrow," she says
"Ok will do," I say
"Ok bye," she says
"Bye," I say then she hangs up.
Alex pov
"Hey Kara, I called Mom she will be here tomorrow," I say as I walk into the med bay.
"Ok," she says
"How do you feel" I ask
"Great," she says even though she is obviously in pain.
"Kara don't lie it obviously hurts at least a bit," I tell her
"Ok fine it hurts," she says
I look up at Mon-El who is sitting beside her holding her hand.
Mon-El pov
"Waaaa" a tiny baby cries then Alex walks out of the med bay. "Hey, Kara asked for you," Alex says as she walks over to me.
I get up and walk back into the med bay.
"Hey," I say
"Hey, come here," Kara says
"Ok" I walk over to her and sit down in the chair beside her and she hands me the baby
"What should we name her?" Kara asks
"Wait you are asking me?" I ask
"Yeah," she says
"She is beautiful like a flower," I say
"Rose" Kara says
"I like that," I say then Kara moves over a bit
"Come closer," she says so I move so I'm sitting beside her on the bed then I give Rose back to her and wrap my arms around them, then Kara turns her head and looks at me in the eyes and I can't help but kiss her and she kisses me back, it feels like an eternity before she pulls away then she looks back at little Rose as I smile down at Kara and my daughter.
Then Alex walks in "Hey I'm leaving, do you need a ride? Or did you want to stay here tonight?"
"I'll come with you," Kara says
Then Alex leaves.
"Can I stay on your couch tonight? I can help with Rose," I ask Kara
"Yeah, sure," she says "Can you hold her for a second?"
"Yeah," I say as I take Rose from Kara's arms. Then Kara stands up and walks over to a nearby sink and washes her hands and face, I walk over to her then we both walk out to Alex's car.
"I can take her," Kara says
"Kara I have 3 reasons I should hold her," I say
"What are your reasons?" She asks
"1 she is sleeping 2 You just gave birth and should be resting 3 I want to hold her," I say
"Ok," Kara says.
Then Kara gets in the passenger seat as I put Rose in her car seat then I walk around the car and get in the back behind Alex who is driving.

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