18 shes ok

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"Right now I am so glad Alex made me watch some of her doctor classes and taught me some stuff," I say to Mon-El as we watch Rose. Mon-El pulls my chin so I'm facing him and kisses me, just then my mom walks in.
"Hey guys is she ok?" Alura asks
"Thankfully, yes," Mon-El says "Kara was able to get her back to mostly normal."
"Mon-El it was mostly just the sun lamps that fixed her," I say.
"No, it was all you," Mon-El says
"Mommy, why is it so hard to breathe out there?" Rose asks.
"The atmosphere is a little different, I thought you would be able to breathe here because me and your dad can but it will just take a bit longer for you to adjust to it because you were born on Earth," I say while I pick her up and rub her back, then I give her a breather that will slowly get her body used to the atmosphere so she can take it off later,
"do you want to go back outside now?" I ask.
"It's really hard to breathe," Rose says
"I know but this will help you," I say while taping the breather on her face.
"Ok, I trust you, Mommy," Rose says then we all go over to Alura's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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