16 Barry

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"Hey Iris, Barry, how are you guys," I say
"We are great," Iris says
"Awesome," Barry says at super speed before chasing after Nora who was trying to run away with Rose flying above her, and Mon-El trying to catch Rose without landing on Nora.
"I should probably go help them," I say to Iris before tackling Rose.
"Mommy, why you help Dadda? I thought you were on my side," Rose whines when I put her down.
"Hey baby I am always on your team," I say
"I'm on your team too," Mon-El says from behind, to which I giggle.
"So how was the past two days? Do you like having siblings?" I ask
"Yes it was schway, except when Bart was crying he is way loud," Rose says
"Where did you hear that word?" Mon-El asks.
"Big Nora says it," Rose responds.
"Well, it's a pretty cool word," Mon-El says
"Um yeah," I say even though I've never heard the word before. "But we should probably get going if we are gonna get ice cream,"
"Ice ceam, yay," Rose says then she jumps up and Flys to the car and sits in her car seat so Mon-El goes to buckle her in while I go say bye to Barry and Iris then Mon-el comes and says bye to them too after that we both go to the spacecar and get in then we drive back to National City.
I look back at Rose as we drive home and notice she fell asleep so decide we will get ice cream tomorrow.

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