Chapter 11 - The Realm of Darkness; part 2

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~ Normal pov ~


Inside of Salem's meeting room, Cinder and Salem both sits alone at the table. Mercury and Emerald both wait by the door. Sender is breathing heavily with effort while Salem has her right hand casually held out.

Salem: Do you feel like? Don't fight it, girl. It can sense your trepidation. You must make it dread you.

A soft clicking sound makes Cinder turn toward the door. All is blackness but for slowly moving forward yellow glow. It is revealed to be inside a jellyfish-based Grimm with long leg red tentacles and a black and white body.

Emerald and Mercury both react fearfully to it and pulls back as it enters. It glides its way over to Salem at the head of the table. Once the Seer Grimm

reaches her side, she leans closer to it

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reaches her side, she leans closer to it. After a moment, she puts her hands together.

Salem: Cinder, I am going to ask you this one more time and I expect a clear answer. Did you kill Ozpin?

Cinder holds her arm out, about to call Emerald over to speak for her. Salem slams both hands onto the table, eyes glowing as she speaks.

Salem: No!

Cinder lowers her arm.

Salem: I want to hear you say it.

After rasping a few times before Cinder spoke hoarsely.

Cinder: Yes...

Salem looks at her for a long moment before speaking to the Seer Grimm.

Salem: Reinforce our numbers at Beacon. The relic and the weapon are both there. And make sure that Mephiles is not there or at any places that are very important, especially make sure that it won't come near the boy at any cost.

The Seer Grimm glides away. At the door, Emerald and Mercury both draw away from it just as they did before. Salem turns her head thoughtfully, looking in the direction away from Cinder and bringing her fingers to her chin.

Salem: What are you two planning? But, I hope that nothing will happen to him, otherwise I'll never forgive myself again...


An arcing flash of fire moves across the black room, quickly followed by another. There is a brief beat before two more fiery arcs slash across the room of darkness again. An irregular circle of flame bursts at word from the center, revealing behind the dark room panting Cinder.

She is in a large, empty room. Behind her is a darkened arched hallway. On either side of the arch, the walls of the room have a low ledge the bear several burning white candles. Four beowolves approached her, moving in a semicircle formation. Sender swings her left arm at them, sending another slash of fire. It cuts through the middle of all four Grimms and they disintegrated away.

She pants again, still upright yet taking a breather. She does not get along as heavy footsteps approach from her left. She gasps and looks in their direction. A Beringel

leaps into the air, ready to deliver a blow to her with its fists

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leaps into the air, ready to deliver a blow to her with its fists. Cinder, however, pulls her right arm and pushes a ball of flame right at it. It, too, disintegrates.

As its body disappears, Cinder falls to her knees, breathing heavily.

Salem: Enough.

Salem walks forward while Cinder continues to struggle for normal breathing.

Salem: I thought you were the girl who wanted power. Did you lie to me?

Cinder winces on the force of Salem's question before looking upward. Turning to face Salem, Cinder clearly shakes her head negatively.

Salem: Then stop holding back. If you wish to master your new powers, you must-

Salem is cut off by the sound of heavy doors opening. On the office side and of the stone hall, a sobbing Tyrian but without his tail since it's been sliced off. He falls to his knees once in the room caught both hands flat on the floor and his head bowed.

Tyrian: I'm sorry.

He said softly. He raised his hand to his chin.

Tyrian: She'll forgive me. Pleeeease.

He bows again on the last word.

Tyrian: Forgive me...

Salem: Tyrian!

She stands before him. He raises his body but remains sitting on his legs while Cinder rises from the stone floor behind Salem. Salem hold out her arm imperially.

Salem: Your task - were you successful?

Tyrian: N-no.

He said as he bowed his head.

Cinder's eye widens. Salem also looks surprised for a moment before narrowing her eyes and walks away. Cinder watches their leader for her further reaction without looking at Tyrian.

Tyrian beginning to beg and turning his body to remain facing Salem.

Tyrian: But-but hope is not lost! My tail, my stinger...I-I poisoned him, Qrow! He will not be a nuisance to you any longer, longer! I've done that...have I done well? Have I pleased you?

Salem: The last eye is disappoint me.

Salem leaves. Tyrian falls forward, wailing. A beowolf approaches, all focused on Tyrian's negative emotions. It ignore Cinder and leaps upon him. Tyrian sends it away with a single blow and it lands on its back. Still wailing, Tyrian opens his weapons and leaps atop the beowolf. He slashes at it repeatedly, tears streaming down his face. His wails gradually turn into a laughter as he vents his grief into the butchering of the Grimm. Cinder watches, horrified.


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