Chapter 2 Ophelia

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"Get up, get up, you're late and the cook will kill you."
The young girl who had made me sit up in a panic, was bouncing around the bedroom holding my uniform up in the air.
She threw the uniform at me, "you better change, we have zero time to get to the kitchen."
I struggled out of bed, and glared at the girl who was just standing there watching me.
"What?" She said as if I was the one in the wrong.
"Well you could turn as I change,  I barely know you."
She gave of a tinkle of a laugh, "You barely know me? Well you better get used to showing yourself off round here, these Alphas.. " she didn't finish  her sentence but replaced it with another. "You better get used to not being so private, there is no privacy here."  Her tone sounded solum, but then like a flick of a switch her tone turned upbeat again.
I removed my clothes and went to put on the dress that was my uniform.
"No underwear!" She announced and I glared at her.
"What?" I asked.
"We are not allowed to wear it." She replied.
"Well I am wearing it." I snapped, I know the rules weren't her fault but I felt violated already and the day hadn't  even started.
"Your choice, but I wouldn't want to be in your shoes if you're caught."
She led me in my sac of a dress down through some corridors and in to an enormous kitchen. It was huge and completely made of stainless steel, not only that it was spotless.
"Gracious girls where have you been?" A large woman asked as she rushed towards us with a tray.
"The table is almost set and these need to go up there, there is another tray there,"she pointed to another tray on the counter. "you know how they get if there isn't plenty to eat. Can't believe we are running so late because of you two." She said angrily.
"It was my fault sorry." I said.
She glances between me and the other girl.
"I will deal with you after we finish the breakfast serving." She snapped at me.
I grabbed the tray from her and started to follow the other girl through some more corridors.
"What's your name?" I ask her as we hurry along.
She stops and looks up and down the corridor, shhhing me, "we are not allowed to talk in the main house. We are already late because of you" She whispers. "My name is Juliette. But come quickly,we need to be in and out before the Alphas get there." She carried on at speed.
We arrived outside a huge wooden door which she backed into so she could open it without putting down the tray. I followed her in.
Inside was a huge table set to one side like some kind of buffet. We started laying out the dishes to join the rest.
A noise came from the back of the room and I heard Juliette say something under her breath but I couldn't quite hear what.
I turned to see three Alpha's enter the room, all three were huge, all a similar build, but the one on the far left had a huge scar down his face.
"What have we here." Scarface said in a way that made my skin crawl, I immediately knew why Juliette wanted to be in and out. The other two walked to the table getting themselves a plate, not even looking at us, but Scarface approached Juliette.
"Hello, sweet thing, I missed you." he said to her, but he wasn't being nice, he was being sarcastic as if implying she was far from sweet.
I watched as he came up behind her, and she froze, I could see her face where he could not and there was nothing but terror there. This had happened before and what ever he was about to do scared her.
Sliding up behind her, he lifted her uniform and of course she bare underneath, is this why we weren't allowed to wear underwear, these sick fucks.
Juliette just stood there as the Alpha ran his hands up her body grabbing her small breasts, I was so conflicted did I stop him?
"Mmm I love little titties." He said pinching her nipples. I saw her knees bend like she wanted to run.
Then he pulled her against him hard, and she sucked in a gasp. I watched as he ran his hand down her stomach and slipped his fingers between her legs, he was rubbing his body against her. Juliette looked petrified and I was just about to drop a pan, to cause a distraction when I heard a deep booming voice come from the other end of the room.
"Oh for the sake of the goddess put down the staff Martin. You already messed up one of the serving girls yesterday, I won't have any staff left the way you carry on."
I turned to see the hugest Alpha I had ever seen, he was enormous and he was beautiful in a dangerous kind of way. Mum had always said I was attracted to bad pups, and this was not a bad pup, but a very bad breed.
Scarface didn't let Juliette go, but he did take his hand from between her legs.
Alpha Markus walked across the hall only giving me a mere glance before he made his way down to the opposite end of the table to get a plate. Loading it with all the delights from the buffet, paying absolutely no attention to the disgusting Alpha groping his staff.
"Oh don't be such a spoil sport Markus, you know I love little titties and this one has such delightful little rosebuds." He spun Juliette round so her bare body was now facing the other Alphas.
"Just a quick fuck before breakfast I would be a perfect way to start the day." He held her body flush to himself and started slobbering down her neck.
None of the Alphas even battered an eye lid. Juliette squealed as he started to move her.
Pot dropping it was - I picked up a glass dish of fruit in juice, that was at the end of the table and made a move like I was going to place it in the centre closer to where the Alpha had hold of Juliette, and I dropped it. The glass and the fruit went everywhere and the juice splattered all the way up Scarface's trousers. He jumped back releasing Juliette.
"You fucking clumsy whore." He shouted at me, but I was already apologising bending down to pick up the glass, and Juliette followed suit, picking up the fruit.
"I'm so sorry, so, so sorry." I said not raising my head at all, keeping my eye on the glass which I was scooping on to the empty tray.
A shard sliced my finger and it started to bleed, but I just sucked it and carried on with the other hand.
"Stop." Alpha Markus called and both Juliette and I froze in place. A pair of large boots came in to my field of vision and I refused to look up. Shit, I was going to be punished, but it was worth it.
"Stand," he said, which I did, hesitantly not raising my eyes.
"Let me look at that finger." He growled. Closing my eyes, I took two deep breaths before holding out my hand to the Alpha, he took my hand in his and I felt sparks shoot up my arm - he immediately dropped it.
"You'll live." He said and I nodded, still keeping my face down. "You're new." He carried on.
I nodded again and turned to return to picking up the glass. "For the goddess sake be careful." He said turning once more to join his friends.
Once we were out in the corridor Juliette turned to me and whisper shouted, "are you out of your mind."
I looked at her and shrugged because I actually think I may be.
"But thank you." She smiled.
I smiled back, and from that moment I saw an ally in Juliette.

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