Chapter 10 Markus

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For five days the doctor kept her sedated, he told me the results had come back but he was very secretive about the whole thing.
I allowed Juliette to stay by her side. She had gone to Ophelia's room and brought her stuff, so when she awoke there were familiar things here.
I was told she awoke for a short time but the doctor put her back under sedation when she had become upset.
Juliette would leave every night about midnight and return at the crack of dawn, while she was away I would sit and keep watch, I had barely slept and told myself it was my penance for everything that had happened.
On the fifth day I was in my office when a message came that she was awake.
The plan was to keep her in my room for as long as possible, she slipped out of the hall so silently that night, I don't think that the other servants would have even noticed her go, but just in case I wanted the whole thing to die down as she was meant to be dead. When people had forgotten details she could re-enter the citadel, if she wanted, and return to life as it was, if she wanted. I didn't want her to, I wanted her here in my bedroom.
I didn't rush back to the room as I thought that may be suspicious, so by the time I did make my way there, the doctor was there. When I walked in, the room turned to a silent hush. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Everyone except Ophelia,
she kept her eyes down like she did when she was working, to say that it annoyed me was an understatement but I didn't say anything.
The doctor told me she needed regular daily visits and she would be up and about in a few days.
I dismissed both him and Juliette eager to speak with her and find out how she was.
I sat beside her.
"Ophelia, I am sorry for what happened." She nodded but still isn't look at me.
In the short time I had been away I had forgotten her scent and it felt good to be surrounded by it again.
"You have been told that you must stay here?" I asked, hoping that she would see my sanctuary as a kindness.
"Yes." She replied but still those eyes never rose to me.
She was like a robot sat there, not the Ophelia I knew, the Ophelia that when I made her cum looked at me with fire in her eyes.
"I wish to sleep." She said with no feeling, and turned her back on me and closed her eyes.
I sat for a moment but then thought better of it, as she obviously didn't want me here.
Outside the door the doctor was waiting for me.
"I need to discuss somethings with you, in private if I may."
I was hoping that at last I would be privy to what was causing his furtive looks and the secrecy.
I led him to my office. And we both sat down.
"I have some things about Ophelia I need to discuss with you, I have kept it from you for sometime because I needed to gather all the facts before I made my decision on what to tell you."
I looked at him, I was the Main Alpha of this citadel and he was my employee he should tell me everything what ever it is.
"Now I understand you may be angry with me withholding this information, but when you put the young lady under my care she became my patient and therefore was subject to my hippocratic oath."
I was angry but I nodded. He was taking far too long to get round to things, and was quite frankly fucking me off.
"I have looked into the young females past based on her blood sample."
Shit he had found out who she was, had he told her?
"It seems that you may know a lot more about her parents than I do."
I nodded not willing to give away any more information than was needed.
"My suspicions first came about when I inspected the young woman for signs of any.." He paused as if trying to word things correctly. "For signs of any damage to her interiors. What I found made me question things I was led to be true."
I looked at him in anticipation, what the hell was he talking about, wasn't she ok?
"I found that the young lady had the reproductive organs of an omega"
That wasn't what I was fucking expecting. I sat there flabbergasted while he continued.
"It seems the young lady was put in suppressants when she turned sixteen and has been on them ever since. She didn't know she was an omega, she thought she was a beta, but kept taking the suppressants because her mother told her too."
I didn't know what to say, the fucking bastards. All this time she was a fucking omega and her parents said nothing, she said nothing. My blood started to boil. Who was I angry at? Her? Maybe. Her parents? Definitely.
The doctor continued "During her time under sedation she has not been receiving the suppressants and will show her dynamic soon. Her transition will be painful, due to the delay and she will not be a full functioning omega for about a year."
A fully functioning omega? She wasn't a machine she was a female, an omega, my omega.
"She knows I am telling you, but it seemed like she did not care, in fact she seems to have lost all care about anything. I think perhaps the circumstances and now finding her parents are not her real parents has taken a toll. I would keep her under constant supervision until she recovers fully. Now I know you will want to know about sex, you're an Alpha after all."
Did I want to know about sex? The state she was in and my hand in that, should that even be a thought? But yes I wanted to know. Not because she was an omega but because she was her, Ophelia. So I nodded.
"She will be able to resume usual omega sexual activity as soon as she is well, however mentally this may not be the best idea for a good while yet."
I nodded.
"I have updated her citadel medical records accordingly, but they have been made private on a need to know basis only."
"Does the girl with her know?"
"Yes we told her today. The omegas scent will start to change soon, and it will be noticeable to those in close contact, I suggest you make additional security measures in accordance to these facts."
Alpha's would smell her and be drawn to her. I knew that.
I thanked the doctor, though I wasn't sure why, and he left.
I was left to my own thoughts.
What were they? What were my thoughts? I was mind blown.
I needed to sort through my thoughts on this as quickly as possible, I needed to decide the course of action I was going to take.
She knew I had paid for her to be born, she knew I had bartered her out to the Alpha Riley.
She knew she was on suppressants but she didn't know she was an omega, but her mother fucking did. Did her father? They ran way before her dynamic would show, had her mother been keeping it from everyone?
I decided to leave her alone tonight, I would usually spend a vigil at her bedside.
But tonight I didn't want to, I didn't know how to feel about her. She was always meant to be mine. Is this why I was drawn to her, was my Alpha drawn to her, was Martins?
Fuck how many more would be.
First and foremost I needed to think about her safety.
My room was in the main wing of the citadel, hundreds of Alpha's would be in a reasonable smelling distance from her. Wait what was a reasonable smelling distance. Shit what did I know.
I went to my CSD (computer search device) and searched for information on omegas, I originally searched their scent distance but nothing came up, I didn't know what I was doing. I had long excepted the fact that an omega would not be in my future.
I only had one other person I could talk to about this.
I sent a guard to collect Julliette for me, perhaps two minds would be better than one.
When she arrived at the office her opinion of me obviously hadn't changed.
"Look I get you think I am the big baddy here Julliette."
"That's because you are." She replied, fucking female she was lucky I needed her or she would be sold on.
"That may be, but we have something that we both care about," her eyebrows rose. " and I want to keep her safe, I have no idea on how to do that, will you help me?"
She looked at me for a long moment, I have no idea what was going through her head, and oddly enough I cared even less as long as she agreed, but thankfully she nodded.
I gestured for her to sit down.
"Don't suppose you know how far an omegas scent travels do you? "
She looked at me as if I was mad.
"No me neither, I need to figure out the best place to move us to so she it safe from other Alpha's."
"She is not safe from you."
"Don't be so smart and help me," she raised her eyebrows again, "please." I added and they dropped.
Julliette and I sat together and worked through the night, formulating a plan to keep Ophelia as safe as we possibly could. We knew we had about a week to play with and get things sorted, it wasn't long.
We decided the best place in the citadel to move our quarters to was the west tower, it contained five rooms that were at present un lived in and no other rooms on that level.
The only way to the rooms were through a secret passage and one main staircase.
Both would be guarded by betas on two floors below where the stair case started, access to the tower from other floors would be walled off.
Julliette would move with us and use one of the rooms for herself and she was to be given her freedom, not be allowed to be groped and would nurse and see to Ophelia. I would see to myself it would seem. She drove a hard bargain.
There would be an air duct removing air from the tower that would travel upwards.
The only people allowed access to the tower was myself, Julliette, the doctor and Ophelia obviously.
If I was needed to come down from the tower for any reason a coms system and a bell would be put in place.
One of the serving females would bring food that would be handed to one of the guards and they would ring up to the tower.
"Does it seem too much like a prison to you?" I asked Julliette when we were done.
"Yes." She replied.
This female was a living hell but I knew she love Ophelia and that was all that counted.
I started work on the tower the next day, luckily it kept me busy enough to keep my mind off Ophelia.
Five days later we were ready for us to move in. Our stuff was taken up the main staircase, and when it came to the time to take Ophelia I was panicking.
She hadn't spoken to me or looked at me in a week, and Julliette had said the same about the looking, she said she spoke but would not look at her either.
It made no difference, she was going to have to move, or there could be real problems with Alpha's in the citadel.
"We are moving you today to our new rooms Ophelia." I said trying to sound up beat.
She didn't say a word, I moved to the bed and lifted her in my arms.
Goddess it felt good. She smelt fucking delicious, I had noticed her smell was changing but it was only now, with my nose this close to her I understood how her smell could drive an Alpha wild.
If I had made the right decision to move there with her I didn't know, but I did know that she would need protection, just in case an Alpha broke through, and I did know that all this said and done she was fucking mine. She would have been mine even if she wasn't an omega, even if I hadn't paid for her. She would still be mine.
I buried my nose in her hair all the way to the room, and by the time I was there, my cock was hard and I wanted nothing more than to fuck her.
But I wouldn't.
I lowered her gently to her new bed and asked her what she thought of the room, all she did was lie down and turn and face the wall.
How was I going to get through this?

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