Chapter 11 Markus.

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It had been five full months since we moved into the tower, Ophelia's omega scent was fully in now and I spent the majority of my time in the tower walking round with a rock hard cock.
Thank fuck Julliette lived on the  floor below the mezzanine or she would know how much my omega was getting to me.
Yes I called her my omega, she was, she was my Ophelia too, though it didn't feel like it.
She still only spoke the sparsest of words and didn't look at either Juliette or myself. Julliette had softened to me I think, maybe it was the way I would talk to Ophelia as if everything was normal, or the way I would ask Julliette if she thought Ophelia would like certain things.
But Juliette and I often ate together and spent time together as there was no one else up our lonely tower.
It was Julliette's day off and  I was on Ophelia watch.
She was laying in bed, like she usually did, when the bell summoned me to the coms system.
I was told a main Alpha from the  neighbouring citadel was here for a visit.
Unable to locate Julliette, I left Ophelia, it wasn't like she did anything, and made my way down to the citadel. Alpha Ruddick had come to inform me of his impending nuptials, and as was tradition, on an occasion like this, he was travelling to all neighbouring citadels where he would drink and party with the main Alpha.
At first I was worried about Ophelia but as the night went on we drank more and more and it wasn't long before I was enjoying myself, my drunken self telling me it would make no difference if I was there, as she would not look or speak to me anyway.
It felt good to be myself again, with a young female on my knee flirting and kissing me. It had been so long since I had been shown affection or laughed that I let the world melt away and for one night decided to indulge myself for a change. While Ruddick and I drank and put the world to rights, the young female, who had been on my lap, dropped to the floor. I was too drunk to notice when she undid my pants and pulled my cock out, I wasn't too drunk to notice however, how fantastic her lips felt round my cock.
We were both sat there, he had his girl bouncing on cock, and I watched them as a young female knelt before me with my cock in her mouth. As the female on Ruddick got closed to cumming I felt myself close to release too, pushing the young females down so my cock was in her throat, fuck yes, this is what I had been missing, fun.
The female in front of me started to gag, and I realised I didn't even know who she was, all this time I had been imagining Ophelia sucking my
cock, did I care? Not tonight.
There was a fuss at one of the doors but I paid no notice, I was getting sucked off and enjoying it. When I heard Julliette calling for me, I turned to see her being held back by the guards of the room, and just like that my hard on was gone.
I'm pushed the female off me and motioned to the guards to let her in.
"Who's this Markus, more entertainment?" Ruddick asked.
The look Jullieette gave him and me, could have killed us on the spot, but when she spoke my world came crashing down.
"She's gone."
The alcohol in my brain stopped it from working properly, she was gone? What did she mean she was gone?
I looked at her clueless, the young lady was between my legs trying to rouse me again.
She looked down at her in disgust.
"I will leave you to get your cock sucked, meanwhile I will go search for her." She shouted and stormed off.
What the fuck! What was happening.
It took a few moments for my addled brain to catch up. She was gone!
I pulled the girl off me and pushed her towards Ruddick.
"Sorry, I have an emergency, please enjoy yourself." He sat back and grinned as the girl I pushed off knelt below him and immediately started licking his balls.
He didn't care.
I moved as quick as I could to the corridor, Julliette was gone.
I was sure my guards thought that Julliette was mine, because when I asked where she went they didn't bat an eyelid.
Fuck. Without Juliette I was lost what to do. My heart was in my throat, why had I been so stupid, why had I left her. I was so angry at her, everyday we had spent looking after her, nursing her, pampering to her every need, and the moment she is left alone, she ran?
Her life was hundreds of times better than any servant here, I had been soft when it came to her. Who had I become, pussy whipped by an omega, omegas were meant to serve Alphas, that's why they were put on this earth.
Every step I took my anger grew. When I found Juliette she explained that when she had returned from her day off she popped in like she usually did, when Ophelia wasn't in the bed she searched for us, but we weren't in the tower.
She was distressed I could tell.
"When I saw you getting your fucking dick sucked Markus I could have killed you."
My anger was at its peak, my hand flew back and came crashing down on her cheek, sending her flying to the floor.
How fucking dare she, how dare she speak to a main Alpha like that? If there was one thing this might had shown me is that I had grown weak. No more!
I leant over Julliette who lay, gobsmacked on the floor.
Pointing my finger in her face I shouted "you fucking find her."
She scrambled to her feet.
My beta guards were stood behind me.
I remembered when I left Ophelia her hair was down, and she was wearing a thin nightdress.
I have to admit i indulged myself in her night wear. Always buying something that her body was visible through. She was walking round a citadel, that contained hundreds of Alphas, with her hair down, her body on show and her smell so fucking sweet it would take every bit of restraint an Alpha possessed to stop him self sinking into her, I fucking knew! I knew how fucking blue my balls had been for months.
"The red haired omega in the nightdress, find her! " I shouted to the guards.
They were frozen on the spot, they probably thought I was mad, I had kept her a secret for so long, they probably thought I had lost it.
"Find her!" I screamed again, and they scattered.
It seemed like hours I searched the corridors, trying to smell her, I would pause outside doors to see if I could smell her within. Once or twice I thought I got a whiff of her scent, but she was no where. My anger continued to fester.
I was searching a corridor I barely knew when through a window, in the garden I caught a glimpse of white.
It drew me to a sudden stop.
I looked to the garden below, and there she was. Walking around the garden like she didn't have a care in the world. Running her fingers over the flowers.
I don't think I had ever moved so fast in my life, alcohol and anger fuelling me.
I ran down the stairs and burst out in to the garden. I walked at speed towards her and she didn't even look up. She was ignoring me, as if I wasn't there, but I was fucking there, she would see me, I was done waiting, I was the main Alpha of this citadel and she was mine.
I grabbed her by the arm hard, and she didn't even flinch, I yanked her back in to the citadel, through the corridors back to the tower, as I past some guards I yelled to them to call off the search I had found her.
Dragging her behind me I pulled her up the stairs and when we got to her room - our room - I threw her on the bed.
She fell, like a rag doll, her eyes unfocused. I leant over her, her fucking delicious scent filling my senses.
Lifting her shoulders I tried to force her to see me, to look at me. She fucking didnt.
I shook her hard, "you will see me Ophelia, you will fucking see me."
"Stop!" Juliette's voice came from behind me.
I span, still holding Ophelia in my hands, "You," I growled, "get the fuck out, before I have you dragged out."
Her eyes were wide, scared of me - so she should be.
I was back and she was not going to stop me from getting what I wanted, from getting her to see me.
She turned and left, and with her some of my anger went, but not enough to stop what I was going to do.
I was going to take her back in time, back to being in my office under my control. Back to the times she came for me on my fingers.
A growly purr left my body as I flipped her over and lifted her nightdress.
Her bare arse in front of me and her smell which seemed to be getting sweeter was driving me insane, I approached her, closing my eyes I ran my hand over her cheeks, remembering the first time I did this, how smooth her skin is, I parted her cheeks and imagined in my minds eye her back hole. Fuck.
I couldn't wait, I drew back my hand and spanked, I opened my eyes and saw my hand print appear just like the first time I did this. Ten she would get ten, I brought my hand down again.
A small gasp left her lips, I leant over to whisper in her ear. "You made a sound Ophelia, the count begins again."
I spanked again and again and again, she was silent and still. I continued the spanks to ten, just like before.
I was still growling, still purring , I couldn't help myself, her smell was infecting me, taking control of me.
I stroked her bottom, making sure all the nerves I had just filled with blood felt me behind her.
I was panting, my cock so hard I wanted nothing more than to slide in side. But no, that's not how we played. While rubbing her arse I moved one hands to between her legs, she was wet, so wet, way wetter than she had ever been, she was an omega now, her body produced slick, and it was producing it for me.
I slid my fingers through her wet lips, they glided so easily, when I found her clit, I leant forward, "Remeber Ophelia, don't move." I whispered.
I rubbed her clit, over and over, her body producing more slick, and when I slipped my finger inside it felt the smooth wet skin I knew, I felt her hymen, sealing her, I swept my finger over it. Fuck she was so wet.
I used my other hand to rub her clit, while I entered another two fingers, I pushed up against the thin skin inside, I could easily break it now, but I didn't want to.
Pumping my fingers in and out, I rubbed her clit faster and faster. I heard her breath quicken and small pants speeding up, heading to a crescendo. When I knew she was on the edge, I pinched her clit and she fell, her walls clenched around my fingers over and over again. Her slick covering my hand. Fuck. She may not have seen but she fucking felt me.

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