Chapter 16 Markus

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Three days I spent inside her. That one day I gifted myself had easily turned into two, then three.
Her scent, her body had completely taken over me, she threw herself into it too, meeting my movements, taking my pain when I set her rules she broke, at times I think deliberately, so I could adhere punishments I think she actually loved.
There was laughter, actual laughter in the tower, something that hadn't been heard since I broke the relationship with Julliette.
I had completely forgotten about daily life in the citadel, it was just me and her that mattered, so it came as a shock to me when on the third day, as I was deep inside her, I was summoned to the guards room in the tower.
Shit, so many things ran through my mind, why now? I unseated myself from her, threw on just any clothes and made my way down to the soldiers' quarters, we had been expecting food and I had assumed the call was for that. But no, Duncan had arrived and had with him Alpha Simms.I retreated back to our room to find something far more appropriate to greet the Alphas. In my mind it was a good thing he had bought Simms with him, probably meant there was a ruling they wished to discuss.
"What are you doing?" Her soft voice asked.
"There are some Alphas I need to see."
"Can I come with you please?"
She asked.
"Not this time Ophelia, you are an omega now, you will effect Alphas in the citadel my love. You need to stay here for the moment. When your oestrus comes I can claim you, once that is done you will be free of the tower, but until then I am afraid you must stay here."
"A prisoner?" She screamed at me, I had never seen her angry.
I grabbed her close. "No not a prisoner, protected."
I crashed my lips to her as a means of goodbye, and left, telling the guards not to let her out under any condition.
I made my way into the hall, where I had been informed the Alphas awaited.
"Alpha Duncan and Alpha Simms," I said formally as I walked in, please be seated, the kitchen it running late with the food, but fortunately for us we don't need to wait for anyone to fill a bottle. What can I get you?" I asked as I walked to the drinks table.
"We have drinks thank you." Duncan said in a very formal tone, too formal a tone for my liking as if what he had to say was bound to bring discord between us.
I joined them at the table with a very large whiskey in my hand. I caught Ophelia's slick's scent as I sat, probably straight from my cock, as not fifteen minutes it was buried deep inside her. Could the other Alphas smell it too?
"What can I do for you Alpha's and what brings you in such a formal way?" I asked taking a large swig from my glass.
"Well," said Duncan, "it very much depends on how this plays out if it remains formal, but I fear it may, if what I have been told is true."
I kept my heart a steady tempo as not to rise his hackles, a scared Alpha is a walking prey.
"And what is it exactly you have been told?" I awaited his answer to see what this was about, if it was Ophelia I would fight wars for her.
"Well it seems I was alerted that the girl that was there on the night Alpha Riley died is still alive."
Again I kept my breathing easy and my heart rate low.
"And?" I asked wanting to find out just what he knew.
"You promised she would die. However, now I find out she is an omega. Is this true?"
"Who told you this?" I asked my voice not changing at all, the panic I felt in my head stayed there,
"It does not matter where the information came from, but I believe it to be true, if indeed it is, she is rightfully mine."
I laughed out loud.
"She is not yours, if you would have had her you would have killed her. She is rightfully mine."
"This is why I bought a third party to deliver his opinion."
Alpha Simms seemed shocked at the discussion.
"A true omega?" He asked. "May we see her?"
Fuck! If I didn't agree this man who looks like he could be on my side could turn against me.
"She may come down for a few moments, then she must return to her room before the other Alpha's pick up on her scent."
Simms nodded.
I called one of the beta guards and asked him to bring down Ophelia to me.
We sat in silence for a few minutes before Simms turned to Duncan and berated him, "You didn't say she was an omega."
"I did not, I didn't want the rest of the Provence hearing about her and challenging for her, she is rightfully mine."
A noise came from the door behind us and I saw Ophelia walk in wearing nothing but her see through night dress, fuck what was she playing at.
I moved to her swiftly and took off my own jacket to cover.
"You must cover yourself darling when you are in company." I whispered just loud enough for only her.
She looked around me to the two Alpha's behind me.
"The guard didn't mention company, I thought they were gone."
I smiled down at her, her soft light lit me from the inside.
"Come Ophelia, they would like to meet you."
She pulled my jacket around her body and nodded to me.
Both the other Alpha's were dumbstruck. Looking at her like fishes their mouths opened and their eyes wide, take a good look alphas she's mine, but who could blame them, her red hair hang wild round her shoulder, and her skin had that fresh fucked glow.
"Hello." Her sweet voice rang out through the hall, but still they sat there silent.
"Ophelia return to your room, I will be back to see you shortly." I prompted.
She nodded, smiled sweetly turned and left.
"She's real." Simms stated as if he couldn't believe it.
"Yes she is." I replied. "And mine!" I replied almost a little too aggressively.
"That's yet to be decided." Duncan piped in.
"Agreed." Simms said wistfully, as if thinking of something a million miles away.
"Well?" Duncan said turning to Simms, do you want to know the whole story.
Simms looked at Duncan as if to say I don't care about your story, and his following words confirmed this.
"I Alpha Simms of the Redford Provence  challenge you Alpha Markus, also of the Redford Provence, to lay claim to the omega resided in your citadel, I do this in the presence of Alpha Duncan also of the Redford Provence."
Duncan looked like if he wasn't careful he would catch some flies in his mouth.
"You gotta be shitting me," he exploded. "I brought you here to witness my challenge not for me to witness yours."
I looked at Duncan absolutely flabbergasted.
"Did you really think on seeing an omega he would not lay a challenge too?"
I sat back in my seat. It was just a matter now which of these two fucking idiots I would fight first and last, because they would take Ophelia out of here over my dead body or not at all. They bickered like children as to whose challenge would stand first, both knowing who ever fought second would have a far higher chance of winning.
Who ever the second fighter fought would have already been through a brutal fight.
In the end it was decided that Simms would go first as he laid the challenge first.  I rolled my eyes at their antics. Although Simms was an Alpha he was the weakest I have known, he liked to talk big and and shout loud, but he was lame in one leg, from a fire that took place at his citadel when he was a child. I didn't expect him to put up much of a fight, but challenges were to the death so he could surprise me I guess.
I knew this whole thing would create a snow ball effect, when these two muppets died their seconds would take over, they would have to be informed of the reason for the challenge as it had to be put in writing, then their seconds would challenge, bringing a new Alpha into the mix, and so on and so forth, before I knew it the whole damn Provence would be challenging, and if word spread their may be challenges from outside the Provence. I was in for a few fights ahead of me that's for sure. How many I did not know, but I knew it would not stop here. How did Duncan find out about Ophelia that is what I wish to know.
I agreed with the Alphas that the challenge would be set for tomorrow, asked my guards to take them to their quarters and arranged for the legislator to write up the official paper work, after which, I headed back to the tower.
I had already spent far too long away from my omega and I couldn't wait to be buried in her.
On entering our room Ophelia was stood at the window, looking out across the market.
I came up behind her and slipped my arms round her shoulders, I would tell her about the fights tomorrow, or maybe I wouldn't, why worry her, I was going to win anyway. What I needed now was to consume as much of her slick as possible, the power that rushed through my veins when I ingested it was like nothing I had felt before. My omega better ready herself for being ate out all night, she will be dripping into my tongue whether she likes it or not.

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