Chapter 5 Ophelia

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That evening I was told by cook that the Alpha had asked for me specially to serve them at the table. I didn't like the sound of that at all, all those Alphas with all those grabby hands. But I had no choice in the matter, and it did mean I got a nicer uniform, so there was that.
Adorned in my underwear armour, I swore no fucker was gonna get a grab of my bare arse. I made my way to the dining room. Dinner was always served at the table and always contained Markus and his elite soldiers.

I had learned from Juliette that Martin, or more lovingly known as Scarface, was Markus's second in command and his step brother. Juliette had said the citadel would go to him if anything happened to Markus, unless Markus produced an Alpha heir. Alpha's were one in thirty born so the odds weren't that great to get one, unless he bred an omega. Omegas only gave birth to Alphas or other omegas, but they were like one in every thirty thousand, and most omegas kept their dynamic suppressed. It was illegal to use suppressants, but lucky for me, mum had given me enough to last me years, the pills them selves were tiny, so a small bottle could hold thousands.

I arrived in the hall before the Alphas,  and took my place along the wall of the room, this is where the serving girls remained until the Alphas arrived and then the servers would spring into action.
The crowd of Alphas soon arrived and I started towards the table, deliberately heading to the opposite end to Markus and Martin.
"Ophelia?" Markus called, please come here.
I froze. What did he want with me now, I asked myself but I still dutifully went and stood by his side.
"I would like you to sit on my lap and feed me please."
I stood there for a moment unsure if I had heard correctly.
"We do speak the same language I take it?" He asked and I nodded. He then patted his lap in invitation.
How humiliating, to sit on his lap like a baby and then feed him like a slave. I gritted by teeth and moved to sit. Looking on the bright side I hadn't sat down all day, so there was that. As I sat the reason for his request became clear, scorching hot pain shot up my back from my welted  bottom. The fucking bastard. Not to give him the satisfaction I sat there as if it was any normal day I was asked to do this.
As dish after dish was brought out, I delicately cut up his meal and fed it to him, by the time the desert came out, my arse was agony.
Then, so all the table could hear, he said "will you stop wiggling please. It's like you have ants in your pants."
A bellow of laughter came from next to us as Scarface said "Aahh now I know the receiver of the spanked arse today. "
I felt Marku's body stiffen below me like he had been caught doing something wrong.
"Now I know who the owner of that delightful peach is I will keep my eyes open for you pretty girl."
Is this why he insisted I serve him, so he could not only cause me more pain but let the whole table know I had been spanked?
Then he surprised me by saying, "No you won't Martin, this one's mine to play with, she was given to me as a debt owed and I haven't finished getting my monies worth, as soon as I am done I will let you know."
For a moment there I thought he had leapt in to save my honour, but more fool me, he just wanted to brag about how he owns me.
Through desert, I continued to feed him, his hand was up my skirt and on my thigh. It gave me weird tingles and my treacherous lady bits wished he would climb a a little higher. His thumb constantly stroked the delicate skin of my inner thigh, and when he told me not to wriggle, I would swear blind that I wasn't.
I think he knew it too because every now and then he would move higher for one stroke then back down again to his original position.
As the diner came to a close, the whiskey and cigars were brought out. As the other servers moved in to clear the table, I went to move from his lap to resume my job.
"Did I say to move?" He said grabbing my waist and preventing me from moving.
"No sir, sorry."
I settled back down on his lap.
"Good girl."
They stayed drinking for most the evening, talking about some Alpha council that I didn't know existed and how it was imperative for their citadel to get a vote that allowed them to deal with other citadels.
I remained on his lap and that pesky thumb of his kept on stroking, but this time it did rise higher and ended up stroking me over my panties.
The sensation was intense, I had other males rub me there, but they were boys, and this right her was one experienced Alpha.
His thumb found the centre of my panties and he applied a little pressure, rubbing my clit.
The only orgasm I had ever had was self inflicted, I was a virgin so I didn't know if sex would produce one, but when Jimmy had tried to elicit one,  I had faked it so he didn't feel bad.
Right now however, there was something about what was going on that was definitely turning me on. I hated the Alpha, but the surreptitiousness of it all, the tingles from my smacked arse, and the tease that had lasted nearly all evening long was just enough for me to feel really quite turned on, he had to be able to feel the incredible wetness of my panties. His pressure increased and I let my legs open slightly allowing him more access. Access that he immediately took advantage of. I could feel him slide his fingers along the elastic of my panties, and the thought of him touching bare skin was almost sending me mad. But to everyone else, all the breeds would see, was me sat on his lap, my head on his shoulder with my eyes almost closed as if I was nearly asleep.
Several times I had wanted to moan at his actions but kept it buried.
He slid his fingers under the elastic and ran them through my wetness. Then casually bringing his hand out from under my skirt he ran his fingers under his nose and along his lip, which he then licked. If I didn't know what was going on I would never have spotted the move.
He hummed and only I knew why.
Putting his hand back up my skirt, he pulled the elastic to my panties to one-side.
I felt one of his fingers circle my entrance then do a small dip inside, I mewled so quietly only he could have heard. His other arm pulled me closer. He then took the finger he had slipped in and ran it over my clit, pushing it hard against my pelvic bone. I wanted to squeal, but I couldn't, he did it again and again, he then slipped a finger in all the way to his hand, and his thumb on my clit, holding me like a fucking bowling ball. Keeping his finger in me and applying pressure as hard as he could, he swept his thumb over my clit, it felt so fucking good.
I felt an ache in my core growing slowly outwards, his finger in me not moving but his thumb working double time, I was getting hotter and hotter a sweat beading on my brow. I wanted to move against his thumb, ride his finger inside, but I couldn't. Everything was becoming a blur, then suddenly he pinched my clit between two fingers and I shattered. Having to withhold my movements and the pain from my arse made it the most difficult orgasm of my life. My body was rushed as my pussy clenched his finger over and over again. Once I was done he removed his finger from my pussy and took his hand from under myself skirt.
Coming down from it I panted lightly into his neck, with that he lifted me to my feet and said "I'm bored of you for now, go to bed."
Walking back to my room.  again I felt dejected, he had kept me on his knee all night then gave me an orgasm, and a pretty good one at that, only then to push me from his knee and send me to my room. This reminded me all over again how I hated him, how he humiliated me. It seemed like an unnecessary cruelty. I had no feeling for him or anything, but I was still a person wasn't I?
I got half way to my room when a familiar voice stopped me.
I pretended I didn't hear.
"I said wait," the Alpha behind me bellowed. I stood stick still with my eyes down.
"Ahhh pretty girl, that was quite a show you put on back there." I didn't say a word and kept my eyes down, "you think the whole table didn't know what was going on beneath that skirt, the way he sniffed you, the way he made you cum on his fingers, just how much did you like it, let me feel."
He pushed me up against the wall and I squeaked, I wasn't supposed to react to Alphas in a bad way, and was supposed to let them do as they wished, but that just wasn't me. I  struggled a little but truthfully I didn't stand a chance against his strength and weight, using his body weight to pin me to the wall he lifted my skirt, oh god what was he going to do?
"Interesting," he said. "Underwear." His face a wicked grin on it, millimetres away from mine, his predatory gaze was on me, and his hot fast breaths fanned my face. His breath smelt of stale cigars, as he lowered his mouth over mine.
Pressing his mouth hard, he invaded my lips with his tongue, I was trying to keep my mouth closed but he was pushing me hard into the wall and I could barely breath.
I felt his hand snaking into my panties, "fuck he made you so wet, wet enough for you to take my cock I bet. He started fumbling with his pants and I started to struggle more.
"No!" I screamed.
He pulled away slightly saying,  "what did you say?"
I said "No!." I tried again, but a sneer appeared on his lips, "oh good, I do prefer them when they fight, so much more fun."
He pulled away slightly and I took my opportunity to run, but I had only made it two or three steps when he pulled me back by the top of my head, ripping my hair net and letting loose my hair, which he now had hold of, he took one arm back and brought his fist forward into my face. Because he had hold of my scalp my head didn't move far, but my brain inside certainly did, the jar was too much and I swear I heard my neck break, he brought his hand back again and punched me again this time letting go of my hair and sending me to the ground. My ears were ringing and my eye sight was cloudy, I felt like I was under water and the world was going on around me. Dazed I lay on the floor as the animal started pushing up my skirt, I knew what was happening but I couldn't function enough to prevent it. He tried to part my legs, but I held them closed, he used his own legs to fight mine apart. I swear I felt his hard cock against me.
Then suddenly he was gone, I heard what I thought was a roar, but I couldn't be sure, my head span, then the lights went out and I was gone.

OpheliaWhere stories live. Discover now