Chapter 8 Ophelia

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I heard him make the deal to pimp me out to the other Alpha. The fucking bastard. But then why was I surprised, this is what I was, a fucking possession. A thing to be played with and handed about. I knew he didn't care for me, I knew this between us wasn't anything, I hated him, I always had, why was I upset. My parents bartered me and now he bartered me, I was worth nothing.
I didn't wait for his instruction, and he didn't even look at me as I made my way to the guard on the door closest to him, and asked where Alpha Riley's room was. He didn't try and
stop me though I knew her heard. I spared one last look at him as I left the hall and made my way to the Alphas bedroom.
When I arrived I knocked on the door.
"Come in." Came a voice inside. I recognised the voice but couldn't place it, it was so faint.
As I opened the door, I was shocked to find not only the Alpha in there but Martin too.
Shit, everyone knew what Martin liked, he liked to hear women scream, he liked to hear them beg and the way both Alphas were looking at me it made me panic.
"Come in, don't just stand there." Riley said, then licked his lips. Fuck!
I moved further into the room.
"We're in for a real treat." Martin said to the other Alpha.
"Watch this."
Martin walked up to me and leant in, whispering in my ear,
As he stepped away he took my hair net with him and my hair fell.
"Oh fuck, nice." Riley said licking his lips again.
I closed my eyes, I stood for a moment to compose myself then slowly did as they asked.
Taking my dress off first, I stood for a moment. I couldn't bring myself to take my panties off so I did my bra next. Both Alphas congratulated them selves on their choice and how much fun they were going to be having. Alpha Riley even mentioned that what they handed back to Markus wouldn't be the same as what they started with.
Martin who was stood right by me moved behind me, reached round and cupped my breast.
"I told you she was something, didn't I?" He said to Riley.
"That you did." Riley was grinning this creepy grin. "Squeeze it for me Martin, I want to see her wince."
His hand moved from cupping to grabbing, he squeezed, and the pain that shot through   me was nothing like the pain Markus dealt me, this was real pain, real agony. He played with both my breasts for a long time and although I had stood strong at first, they were in such pain now I was wincing just as Riley had asked.
"I want to spank her, I saw my brother do it once and I have thought about it ever since."
"Be my guest. I would love to hear her beg you to stop"
What did he mean be his guest, it wasn't his arse he wanted to spank, it was mine.
Martin pushed me face first on the bed, I went to stand again but Alpha Riley grabbed hold of my hands and held me down.
The bed was high and my legs were hanging from it as Martin approached I just lay there, I had been through a spanking before, I could take it and not give them the begging they desired.
I couldn't see them but I could tell by the way they were speaking that they were laughing too.
Alpha Riley's grip was hard, and he stretched me as far forward as he could then knelt on my wrists, the pain was excruciating, he was a heavy fucker and he had one knee on each wrist.
I played right into their hands and whimpered.
"Fuck I am hard." Martin said in his creepy voice.
Alpha Riley bent forward and slipped his hand under me grabbing my boobs, squeezing hard, meanwhile Martin had grabbed my ankles, opened my legs and stood in between them, so far up in between them that his wide hips had me splayed. Thank god my panties were still on.
But he took my panties and pulled them between the crack in my arse.
"See this arse, it looks amazing red."
With that he smacked me, his smacks weren't as hard as Markus's but these were done with venom and the pain it left in it wake was indescribable. Again and again he smacked me, I lost count of how many times, a hundred maybe, alternating from one cheek to the other, tears flooded down my face, but my face was buried in the bed and I didn't make a sound.
"Fuck yes. Do something else." Riley said.
"Flip her." Marcus panted.
Suddenly I was flipped and my world span. I was looking at Martin his hair was wet and he had been sweating with the exertion he used to smack me.
My panties were still up my arse, and the front hugged my pussy too easily.  Riley was looking down my body with glee, a manic look in his eye. Both had their cocks out, and Riley was pumping his with his hand.
Martin fumbled with his cock, and that scared the life out of me, placing it on my stomach he looked to Riley, see how long I am compared to her, I am gonna rip her so bad.
This is when panic set in.
He started to rub himself against me on top of my panties, but I felt him push in through them into me, as his cock rubbed up and down then in, my panties pushed inside me with him. Thank god it was only a little, barely there.
"Oh goddess I can't wait to be in her." Martin groaned as he leant down into my face.
"You gonna like that pretty Ophelia, you like Alpha cock in you don't you." He was sliding up and down me pushing his body into mine. He licked my tears from chin to eye causing bile to rise in my throat, but I lay still, giving them nothing.
"Perhaps she is dead inside, maybe that's why he likes her, he can do what he likes and she doesn't complain, how boring." Riley moaned.
"She's not dead inside, believe me. I have seen her about the citadel, this one is full of life, but she will be dead inside by the time we have finished with her."
He pressed his lips to mine, pushing his tongue in deeply, so deep I almost gagged, his breath was putrid.
"Fuck her." Riley excitedly said, and when I looked up he was looking down my body to where my pussy lay under Martin.
Martin stood back up and started rubbing his cock on me again. Except this time, he kept lifting my panties and his cock would graze my pussy, in my head I was shouting No! No fucking way was this happening, but I was outwardly calm. It was then I noticed a knife in Martins hand. I had heard he liked to scar his females but Markus had band him from doing so, though what went unsaid behind closed quarters I couldn't say.
I couldn't help myself my breathing kicked up a notch and I was pretty sure I was going to pass out.
He slid the knife down my tummy, it was sharp, so sharp that if it wasn't for the blood that beaded behind it, I wouldn't have felt the cut.
"Oh goddess yes." Riley panted above me, he was licking his lips and pumping his cock hard. I watched as the blood on my tummy started to flow and the pain of the cut set in. It was deep.
"Shall I cut your nipples off." Martin sneered as he circled the knife around one of them, slicing my flesh.
"Oh goddess yes, do it, do it." Riley panted pumping his cock like a maniac.
I closed my eyes, what should I do, if I fought I played into their sick fantasy, and I had little chance of overpowering two Alphas, but if I didn't fight, how could I live with myself, how could I live knowing I didn't fight, even if no one else cared for me, I did. Unlike these pieces of shit I knew I was worth something, I knew I mattered. I felt his bare cock slide across my pussy again but this time he notched it at my entrance. And that was enough. I screamed. started kicking and fighting for my life, fighting for my dignity.  Martin hit me round the face, but this was not the punch he knocked me out with last time and for what ever reason he decided on this route I thanked the goddess. I managed to pull one knee up and kick him away, Riley leant harder on my wrists and I heard a snap, if I thought it had hurt before this was nothing to the agony that was now shooting through my wrist. I screamed so loud my throat hurt, so loud I wasn't even sure if I had made she noise, it seemed so distant from my body. Then I don't know what happened but there was a large bang and Martin was gone, Alpha Riley stood up above me and then he was gone too, I curled in on myself,  trying to protect myself and my wrist from what ever came next. There were shouts and scuffles and then
there was whispering, and the next thing I knew he was there.
"Ophelia, it's ok it's me, let me take you out of here."
He scooped me up and carried me away.
I didn't know what was happening or where he was taking me, was I safe? Was he any better?
He took me in a room that smelt of him and lay me on a bed. There was more whispering. Then his voice came closer.
"I'll be back, you are safe here."
But was I?
I heard his voice say, "Get the doctor there is blood everywhere."
He stoked my head again, "your safe!"
I didn't think I was.
He had past me to them like I was nothing, he had used me like I was nothing. I was not nothing. I was me - Ophelia.

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