Chapter 21 Markus

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I was furious, someone was going to pay for this, maybe several someones. Storming down the stairs in to the guards room I found two dead on the floor, they had worked for me for years, but due to the nature of their guard duties, they were betas and were obviously no match for the hoard of Alphas that had stormed the room trying to get to Ophelia. The door to our room was iron and almost impenetrable, if it hadn't been for that bitch Juliette, they would never have got in. She was going to be the first to die.
I stormed to the main hall anger swelling inside me. The hall was empty of everyone but my staff and I yelled at them to tell me where everyone was. I was told the Alphas from other citadels had left, with their fucking tails between their legs no doubt,  and when I asked about Juliette, they looked at me blankly.
I would search the fucking building till I found her, and I would find her.
I called for my guards, betas and Alphas alike and told them to search the building for the girl who had been living in the tower with my omega and me. Then it hit me, I hadn't checked her fucking room. Had I run right past her? Could I be that fucking stupid?
My feet couldn't carry me fast enough. As I ran back to the tower I asked a couple of male staff to deal with the two dead bodies in the guard room of the tower, they looked at me strangely but obviously the look on my face beggared no inquiry, so they kept their questions to themselves.
I made my way through the guardroom and kept my eyes diverted from the dead bodies on the floor, I stormed my way up the stairs to Juliette's room. It was open and I searched every inch, starting in the main room, then the bathroom and then every cupboard and wardrobe. There wasn't a sign of her. I sat on her bed and put my head in my hands. How had I been so stupid, I had given so much to this bitch, she was paid a fortune, given her freedom for fuck sake. She had been given more than any other servant in this citadel and still she stabbed us in the back. All I wanted was to get a moment with her and I would rip her fucking head off.
Climbing to my feet, I headed back down towards to the citadel, and straight to the gate house. Once there, I asked the guards about the coming and goings ; perhaps one of the other Alphas had taken her out with their party.
The guards told me they hadn't, each of the other Alphas had arrived in small parties and left with the same amount of people they arrived with, except for Duncan's party, apparently his second had remained here and had alerted them to his where abouts. He was sat in my offices waiting area and was my next point of call, perhaps he could give me more information about the wicked witch who had betrayed us.
My feet were unusually heavy, if I didn't find her soon, I would have to return to Ophelia knowing that seeing her through the rest of her heat would probably mean we would loose all trace of Juliette and she would go unpunished and forever be a silent threat.
Who knew what she was capable of.
So much shit was running through my mind. Had I led her on? All the time we had spent together was for one reason, for the purpose of pulling Ophelia out of her walking coma. I had never hidden my longing for Ophelia and towards the end I had distanced myself from her. I had had to find myself again in order to find Ophelia. We were intrinsically linked. She had needed a real Alpha to pull her from her funk, not the wishy washy, pale imposter of an Alpha I had become. Juliette had loved Ophelia, Ophelia had saved her from being used at least once, they had been best friends. Arghhhh I would never understand females, males were thankfully black and white and females were all kinds of grey, made by the goddess herself to confuse us.
I arrived at my office, and just as the guards had said, Duncan's second was there.
I needed to get this over with as quickly as possible, my omega was locked in our room, tied to the bed, begging to be fucked every way possible, and this Juliette was taking up way too much of what could be fucking time.
I asked Duncan's second to enter my office and invited him to sit.
"Sir, I am glad you have joined me, though I have to admit I did not expect to see you so soon, I heard your omega entered heat and if I were you I know what I would be doing."
I growled at him, how dare he speak of fucking my omega, who the hell did he think he was. Luckily for him I had more pressing matters than ripping out his tongue.
"I need to ask some very important questions." I growled at him.
He obviously read the room well, because he lowered his eyes and nodded.
"How did Duncan find out about my omega?"
He thought for a moment - probably wise - he really didn't want to piss me off anymore than I was pissed off already.
"He initially received a letter from a servant female here."
He said still not making eye contact.
"And then?" I snapped wanting him to finish the story.
"At first he didn't believe it sir. Then he received a second letter asking him to make inquiries with other people from the citadel, asking for confirmation of the strange behaviour of their Alpha."
He raised his eyes a little, to gauge my reaction, but then continued. "Once he had heard from others that you had two females hidden away in the tower, he decided the initial report was true and came to challenge you. He reached out to another Alpha, but then heard that other Alphas had received the letter also but had not taken it seriously. At least not until they heard through the grape vine of the challenges."
"Did he meet the servant female?" I all but shouted.
The second shook his head no.
"I will wish to speak to you later." I said standing and leaving the office.
That was fucking useless, no information at all.
After checking in with the household guard once more, who also had no word, I wearily made my way back to the tower, Juliette was gone, it was time to bury myself deeply in my omega and forget this goddess awful fiasco.

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