Chapter 3 Ophelia

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Life continued as before, until one afternoon Juliette had fallen ill with a virus, and the only senior girl left, to take stuff to the Alpha, was me.
Cook asked me to take him up a tray, which she had prepared, she told me to walk in leave it on the table and skedaddle, which was fine by me. The Alpha didn't scare me, ok he did just a little, but I think my contempt for him was  more than my fear.
As instructed I took the tray, knocked once and waited for the command to enter, it didn't come straight away so I waited patiently, Cook had been very clear that I should only knock one time, and then wait, but as I waited I could hear muffled voices from inside the office, then shouting. Did I really want to go in there if he was in a bad mood? I could drop the tray outside and retreat, which I was just about to, when Scarface came bursting out of the office nearly sending me flying.
"Come in." An angry voice shouted from inside.
All I had to do was put the tray down and leave, right?
So I went in and put the tray down, the Alpha was behind the desk, and I could feel vibrations of anger coming from him. I had nearly got to the door when an agitated voice said, "Wait!"
I froze on the spot.
"Come here girl." Shit!
I turned and walked back to the Alpha standing in front of his desk, more importantly the other side  from him.
"You're new?" He asked inquisitively.
"No sir, I was new once but now I am not."
Even I knew how stupid my answer sounded, but it was the first thing that popped into my head.
He stood and walked round the table pointing at my hair net, he said, "What is that?" Now when I say hair net its not the type worn by factory workers who deal with food, it was more a bandana really.
"Just keeps my hair up and out the way sir." I replied rather than saying it's a fashion accessory.
"Loose it." He commanded.
I didn't  want to loose it, but I really didn't want to cross the Alpha either.
So I took it off, my long red locks fell down round my shoulders and down my back.
He came up to me, towering over me, picking up a lock, he ran it through his fingers.
"What's your name girl?" he asked in a much softer voice than he had used earlier.
"Ophelia sir." I replied.
"Ahhh the unpaid debt, that made you pay with your life."
I didn't know if I was in here for life, but I fucking hoped not.
"Lift your dress," he instructed. Shit! Shit! Shit! This was it I would be punished, the girls had told me  that punishment could be anything from ten lashes to a week in the hole. All the girls would prefer the lashes because at least then it was over and done, a week in the hole with no lights, only rats and bugs for company, that was a lot to endure.
I had no choice but to lift it.
He hummed to himself.
"You know underwear is not be worn?" He asked.
I nodded which only got me a "use your words please."
"Yes sir." I eventually replied.
"Take it off."
Oh goddess, I didn't want to take it off. My boobs were hella large and my bra kept them pressed down so my curves went unnoticed, especially in here. When I didn't move. He made a step towards me, and gritted out "don't test me girl."
I took the panties down first to reveal my shaven pussy, to which I saw a slight raise of his eye brows, then using that old down the sleeve trick known by females world wide I took my bra off his eyes watching me, I flushed under his gaze, it made me feel hot, even though my boobs were still covered as I had dropped the dress.
"You will have to be punished for disobeying a direct order."
Oh goddess here was going to come the order for my ten lashes,I thought to myself. But instead  a very different chain of events occurred.
He told me he was going to administer my punishment himself, and spank my bottom ten times, but if I moved or made a sound he would start again.
Wasn't this some display of dominance like I had read about in all those smutty books?
I could cause a fuss and I could protest, but where would that get me? At least it would be over with and I could go back to wearing my underwear in a few weeks time when everything had died down.
"Stand here." He commanded pointing to a place on the floor. I went to stand there,
He told me to lean forward and grab the desk, which was literally just in my reach, then he told me to rise on to my toes, I panicked, this fucking bastard was literally setting me up to fail. When I had assumed the position he asked for he came across and lifted my dress, he lifted it so high that not only my bottom was on show but my perky breasts were there too, hanging down
towards the floor. I felt so exposed.
"Remember now Ophelia, no moving."
I nodded.
He began by rubbing circles on my cheeks with the flat of his hand, this seemed to go on for quite a while, and am not gonna lie I was getting tingles, I think it was just his powerful presence next to me and the smoothing of my skin, I was quite enjoying it. But these thoughts were far too soon, because when he lay that first smack on me, my whole body juddered, pain ricocheted round my every cell, and I really wanted to gasp but didn't, but what I did do however, was fall off my toes.
"Ah what a shame that one didn't count as you moved Ophelia, let's try again shall we."
Each time I fell from my toes and he started the count again. This happened time and time again.
On the next blow I let out a yell as well, my bottom cheeks were so fucking raw, anything touching them would be painful, let alone a whacking great big Alpha's hand.
"You're setting me up to fail." I whimpered.
"What was that, did you make a noise Ophelia?" He said playfully.
The bastard was getting way too much satisfaction from this.
So I stood my ground. "I said you are setting me up to fail, let me down from my toes and I shan't move or make a noise."
There was silence for a long time, I had no doubt he was assessing if he felt he had tanned my arse well enough, and in my opinion yes, yes he had.
"Very well, you may go down from your toes."
I breathed a sigh of relief.
On my flat feet I had no problem keeping still, but keeping quiet was another matter, the small respite I had from our conversation, just allowed blood to flow in places that were raw and sore, and when he brought his hand down on the count of one, it was agony. Every nerve in my butt  seemed to be connected to my whole body. And by the tenth blow, I had bitten a whole in my lip from trying to keep myself quiet.
After he had finished I dare not move until he told me, but then when I heard a knock on the door, I went to stand and he scolded "uh uh uh, Ophelia we don't want to start again do we?" So standing there bent over in his office my bright red  arse to the door, the bastard said "Come in."
There was a laugh and it definitely wasn't from Markus, "what have we here?"
"Just punishing one of my staff from disobeying an order, now Martin I thought we said we would talk about this tomorrow when I had the chance to contact Alpha Sims and Alpha Riley"
I knew Martin was Scarface and he was the last person I wanted to see my arse, I also knew Alpha Sims was the head of another citadel as was Alpha Riley. I had heard that citadels rarely did business with one another so for Alphas to speak was unusual.
"We need their vote Markus."
"And we'll get it, just take a break and relax and we will talk tomorrow, as you can see I am a little busy right now."
A hand reached under my body and grabbed my tit, it squeezed really hard, but I darn't make a sound, it then released it and flicked my nipple.
"That arse  and these tits look amazing, can you send her to me once this is over please, I will take over where you left off."
Oh goddess no please, I couldn't think of anything worse, and I knew I would have to let him. Refusing an Alpha was an even bigger sin than not obeying house orders.
"No I am afraid not, we are only just getting started."
"Shame I always like redheads, they have more fire, and scream just that little more."
I saw his feet head to the door and leave. I was almost 100% sure I heard Markus whisper "sick fuck" under his breath but I wouldn't swear on it.
"Now where were we Ophelia? Ah yes, the smacks are completed. Good girl."
My body relaxed, and sagged slightly until he started to run his hands over my bruised skin again, it was fucking painful, but the kind of pain that was almost pleasure, his hands sent tingles all over my body tingles that were confusing me, I couldn't decide if I wanted to push his hand away or guide it elsewhere.
He caressed my arse for the next five minutes then moved away. He moved back round to sit in his chair, and ordered. "Put your under wear back on and your hair thingy."
He watched as I pulled my panties back up and twisted my hair back into the net.
"The bra Ophelia!" He said sternly.
There was no magic move to getting a bra on fully clothed.
He had said to Scarface he had just got started, how much more punishment would there be of pain and humiliation.
Goddess I hated him.
I slipped off my dress never looking him in the eye. I just wanted to get this over with,
I went to pick up my bra to put back on and was hoping to have it mainly seated before standing, till he said. "Wait a minute, just stand please."
So I stood - stood before the Alpha Markus in just may panties.
His eyes roamed my body but his facial expression never changed.
"Ok you can dress now." He said turning his attention to something on his desk. "You can go."
And that was that, it was that odd I felt a little deflated that he didn't say or do anything, as much as I hated him, a male looking at you indifferently is always a bit of a kicker.
Just as I opened the door he said one thing. "Ophelia?."
"Yes sir?"
"Always wear your underwear and that hair thing in the house."
"Okay sir."
Then I left and shut the door.
I leant on the door to compose myself, I had just survived my first encounter with Alpha Markus, yay me, I did get a tanned hide and weirdly got told I could do the things I got punished for. And it wasn't a 'could do them' actually it was a 'must do them.' How weird was that?

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