Chapter 7 Markus

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She was becoming a bit of an obsession. I knew that. There was just something about her that  made me act like a breed possessed. She still hadn't broken, so by my own vows I had to  keep trying to break her down.  Or maybe I should've gotten  rid of her, for my own sanity.
I had a busy night ahead and wouldn't be taking dinner in my quarters, I was dining in the hall with the others. If I didn't have to, I know I would have called her to the office and used her again.
Am I using her? She was getting something out of it too wasn't she, I knew she liked it, maybe even loved it. Her strength amazed me.
The first time I spanked her, I spanked her arse so hard she should have struggled to sit down for a week, but by that evening she was sat on my lap like it was the most normal thing in the world, and when she came apart on my fingers, fuck, it literally took all my strength not to take her back to my room and really show her what I could do with a bit of pain and pleasure.
When I walked into that hall way and saw Martin on top of her, her almost unconscious, I admit I saw red. Martin was lucky to escape with his life, it was only my father's promise that kept him from being dead and buried. He knew what he was doing I would swear it, he always wanted what I had and he knew something was going on, I kept finding him looking at us while my fingers were in her cunt, he would feign disinterest when I looked at him, but he knew.
I needed to really think about the whole situation, there was something about her that kept bringing me back and I needed to know what it was, I didn't know her, so it was not like it was love. It was definitely physical, but there had been a couple of betas I have been physically attracted to in the past, but when I had sex, I was left wanting. I had been more aroused with her than I ever was with them and we had not had intercourse. My harem were so bad at pleasing me that I couldn't remember the last time I visited them. It had been a long time since I had a virgin, but that wasn't her pull.
She didn't look like any beta I had ever seen, and there was something very omegaish about her.
Arghhh I had to forget about her that evening and concentrate on the problems at hand, what was more important after all , the impending war my citadel could be in or the snatch of some young beta? Not even close.
I sat in my office trying to understand what had been going on in the citadel, someone from here was leaking false information to the other main Alphas, someone had told them I was planning to do trade with a citadel out of Provence, which was true I was, but what the leak didn't say was that  I was trying to organise lucrative deals for all Alphas. We all had something the others needed, why couldn't we trade? Just because of some antiquated laws that were written long ago. Seemed crazy to me, but Alphas were full of pride, and any one of them thinking  I was going behind their back could be enough to cause a war.
I put on my fineries and headed to the hall, when I arrived the other Alphas were in there milling around, they knew my every female available rule and one or two were already participating in the staff. I was slightly side tracked by an Alpha who had a servant bent over a chair taking her from behind, as usual his cock wasn't that far in, it was something we were used to as Alphas that we just couldn't fit in to the hilt,  he was certainly enjoying himself though, so who was I to argue. This was one of the reasons Martin fucked me off so much, twice he had seriously damaged betas trying to get his cock in too deep, again those times he knew what he was doing too, one of the betas had been from my harem, I think he chose her to get a rise out of me - he did, but not for the reasons he was hoping.
Alpha Riley was shown in, and he came straight to me with his hand out, I hoped that meant we weren't at war quite yet. "How are you Markus he said. We have much to talk about, do you think we can pull the others away from your females long enough to sit down and sort this out?"
I smiled in his direction, "let's hope so."
"Alphas!" I shouted, "let us please sit round the table and dine, we have much to discuss and the women will wait."
I heard a grumble from one or two, but all came and sat, the one I had seen boning the female by the door, brought her with him and sat her on his leg. It reminded me of Ophelia.
I had deliberately not looked for her this evening, with all the Alohas visiting all hands were on deck, so she was definitely there somewhere.
We began the food and it wasn't long until Riley brought up the out of Provence deal.
"I understand you're making deals with out of Provence Alphas?" Riley began.
"No, not yet anyway. I wouldn't make any deals without the vote of the council, but I am trying to lobby the vote so in the future we can make those kind of deals. I have been visiting Alpha Stockwell and he has many things he could offer some of us, and the other Alphas of that Provence could offer things too, I think it would be lucrative for us all, as they too want things we produce" I handed him my proposal.
Riley sat back in his chair and grinned at me, I didn't like the look of the grin. He started to look at the proposal and past it down, much too fast for my liking, like he had already seen it. I had never fucking liked Riley, he was a sneaky fucker, and if someone was giving him information you could bet your life there was something in this for Riley.
He spoke loudly so the other Alphas could hear.
"How many of you are up for this?"
I knew all but two wanted the vote to go through and I was sure I could persuade one, Riley was the one I wasn't sure of, he was more likely to say no just to be an arse hole.
Most of the Alphas around the the table said yes but I could see one or two staying silent to see how this was going to play out between me and Riley.
"I have reason to believe this may be beneficial to us, but I just don't know Markus."
That smile was still on his face. I knew there was more coming.
"I will give you my vote on one condition?"
"Ok," I asked "what is it?"
"Look around you Markus, why do the other Alphas always come to you?"
I gave him a half smile, I knew why the other Alphas liked coming here to do business, the any female policy. They liked being able to grab a female as she walked past and just have her.
"You want women Riley, take any you want, you know you are welcome."
I couldn't be that easy surely.
"The red head, I want the red head."
Martin! The moment he said he wanted Ophelia I knew that it was him.
I didn't say a word, but stood and went to the door, I asked one of the guards to go upstairs and see if my brother was in his room and then I turned back and smiled.
I wasn't going to say anything about Ophelia until I knew if Martin was there, conspiring with my brother was basis enough to go to war, but I didn't want war, all I wanted was a policy to be past.
I scanned the room quickly looking for her, when I saw her I didn't let my eyes linger. She had her hair thing on as I had told her to wear it, but I saw the look in her eyes and I knew she had heard the demand.
The guard came back, he told me Martin was gone. Of course he was.
I went back to the table and sat back down.
Riley was still grinning.
"You can't keep her, but you can have her for the night."
What was I saying, if he had her for the night he would take her virginity, that was meant to be mine.
All the Alphas cheered and carried on with their meals.
I sat there thinking of a way out of this.
Riley leant across the table. "I am going to my room, I expect her there in fifteen minutes or the deal is off, oh and Markus," he paused leaving me waiting for the caveat. "Leave her underwear on, it's so much more fun like that."
He knew about her underwear, of course he did, Martin knew.
I nodded to him and he stood up and left.

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