To Mysterium

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In a forest, we used our Elemental Whips to get across the trees as Arin used his normal grapple.

Egalt, our teacher for the Rising Dragon Technique watches over us. Arin accidentally bumped into Kai, "W-Woah...!"

"No! You aren't in the moment. Lose your sense of self and surroundings and feel the motion! Be the motion!" The dragon stated, being in the air to watch over us, "Never forget the universe is always in motion. Once you align with it, that's when you'll unlock skills you never knew you had."


(Adam's POV)

"And this is the secret base!" I smiled at the two other kids my age, "Cool...!" They both said, exploring the base and jumping into the mechs.

"You sure we should do this?" Fritz asked Spitz, "Well, it's do this or be bored."

My friend smiled, "Just say no to boredom. Hit it!"

I turned to show them a gadget that my big sis, Sora, made me, "Hey, guys! Check this out! It's a whip to hit away the enemies. Cool right?" I looked around, not seeing Spitz for Fritz.

"Guys?" I called out before seeing them in Sora's Mech, "Woah!"


I ran to get my father and Uncle Zane, "Dad! Uncle Zane, we got a problem—Oh! You're here!" I looked up to see the rest of the group.

Geo ran up to the computer area, "Fritz, Spitz, get outta there!" He scolded them when it came to touching other people's stuff they didn't know about.

"We'd love to, but we can't stop it!" Fritz yelled.

"Dad!" I pointed to where Sora put his Elemental Mech, "Right, thanks, buddy!" He smiled my way before going to get the said mech.

Uncle Zane used his powers to slow down the mech but it didn't work since Sora used materials that go against Elemental powers. It pushed us back, almost down to the shed where the dragons were.

We braced for impact as the mech was about to crash into us but something stopped it, "Gotcha!" It was Dad, and man! His Elemental Mech is so cool!

"Zane!" My dad called out to his teammate to shut down the mech, "Good thing Sora stores my Elemental Mech in the cave," my dad got out of the said mech, placing the disk on his back.

"This thing rules!" I stood next to my father, "Yeah, it does!" I agreed, giving a high-five to my dad.

Spitz sighed in relief it was all over, "I'm thinking boredom would've been less painful," Fritz groaned in agreement, "I agree..."

"Haha! Well, at least you guys know how strong, Big Sis Sora's mech is!" I laughed.

Then, I covered my mouth in the realization that I exposed the nickname I called Sora since we were close, "Uh...Don't tell her I said that!" I said to my uncle and father who smiled my way.

"Don't worry, Ad. We won't. Come on, you said you wanted to join us to head to Mysterium," I sometimes can't trust Dad...Especially when seeing that smile on his face.


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