Their Universe

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(In your POV!)

"WHAT??!!?! You have a biological DAUGHTER-mmph!" I shushed my brother, "SHH! I haven't told the others yet and Sora!"

Lloyd ran a hand down his face, "Sis...This is the SECOND time you announced something as important as this...! What's next? Cole and you announcing baby no.4?"

I hit his back making him fall face first by the impact, "OW! Okay...I deserve that."

"Yes, yes you do," I nodded before explaining our situation, "Remember when I said to you and the others about Adam being only 8 months old before the Merge?"

He nodded, "Yeah, but since the Merge was 5 years ago, he's now five. But what's that got to do with—Oh! Does that mean that your daughter is Adam's—" I hummed.


"Wow...! Goodness...You really like hiding your children from me," Lloyd joked making me give him a nonchalant look, raising my fist, "GAH! Have mercy!" He pleaded while I huffed, "You're lucky you're cute."

"Adorable even?"

"Don't push it, baby brother."

I grew serious, "Anywho. Cole and I had a daughter 10 minutes before Adam's birth. But she had some complications when it came to breathing. She wouldn't cry, yell, or even laugh. It was so quiet...We thought we lost our first child after months of trying..." I turned sad, remembering how devastated Cole and I were at the hospital.

"Don't worry," Cole assured me, the both of us looked at our daughter in the incubator, "She'll pull through it. I know so. She's strong, like her mother." He kissed my forehead making me smile weakly before I grew sad.

"That was minutes before I had to go into labour for Adam's birth," I stated, vividly remembering the moment, "I was so scared that he'd end up like his sister. But luckily, he was fine."

Lloyd held my hand making me smile, "The doctors even told my husband and me that we could take him now or later," I remembered holding my son for the first time.

That was how we first met Adam, we cried in joy and despair since our little boy might've lost his sister.

It took the doctors weeks...Maybe tell us that our daughter might not be able to survive. And that it was a miracle she was still living even now. They said she had NRDS (Newborn Respiratory Distress Syndrome.)

"Please, sir! Calm down!" One of the male nurses tried to detain Cole but he was stronger, "NO! I'm not calming down when you're telling me that you can't help our daughter! DO SOMETHING!!"

Holding Adam in my arms, I silently cried, "Cole! Please! They're trying their best!" I wanted to be strong for my child and family, but I was just as distraught as my husband was.

"AND YOU CALL YOURSELVES DOCTORS! YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO WASTE YOUR TIME ON ANOTHER PATIENT THAT'S MORE IMPORTANT!" Cole managed to free himself from the nurses as he grabbed the collar of one of the doctors.

I gasped, "Cole! Stop!" I yelled.

"Please, sir...! You should know that we're doing everything we can! We're prioritizing your daughter!" The man tried to dissuade the situation but it wasn't working.

Ninjago Dragon's Rising - The Guardian of Life (The Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now