Chapter 21

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"Thank you so much have a nice day!"

Marinette said as she exited the building. She had just bought herself birth control.

It had been 5 days since her and Chat had been having sex. Marinette never knew how much energy she had in her body until Chat started having sex with her.

It was so often that she had to wash her bed sheets at least once a day.

Chat was still the same cold heart criminal he was known to be. The last time she seen him he had blood on his suit and it wasn't his either.

Chat told her that she need to be on birth control because he wasn't using condoms on her because he love fucking her raw.

Before going to Samantha house she had to stop bye her parents house. Her mother had text her saying that she need her to clean the house because her sidings wouldn't. 

She wasn't going to do it until her mother threatened her. She said if she didn't than she was going to call the police and say she ran away. Her mother always pulled that card when ever she need her to do something. 

Since the pharmacy marked was 1 minute away from her mother house it didn't take her that long to arrive. 

When she enter the house the smell of fish hit her nose. She pulled her shirt over her noise before walking through out the house. 

Everything was a completely mess. There was food everywhere, clothes, trash, boxes and more.

She countied to head upstairs to her room. When she entered she could see that nothing had been touched.  Everything looked the same.

"Thank you Lord" She said to herself.  She sat her stuff down on her bed before pulling the box out.

She sat down and took the time to read through it. After she was done she grabbed her drink that was in her bag and opened it up and also the box.

She did exactly what it said before swallowing the pill. After she was done she wipe her lips before getting up and walking outside her room to start the clean. 

She decided to start with her sister room, It was horrible her clothes where everywhere, she had old food in her room and she had condoms all over her floor.

"How could anyone fuck her in this room.?"

She shook her head before grabbing some gloves and also a trash bag and began cleaning.

20 minutes into her clean she jump when she heard a familiar voice. 

"It smells like fucking shit in here!"

She turned around to see Chat Noir standing behind her with his hand over his nose. She wondered how he was able to find her.

"How did you find me?"

"Why are you asking? Where you trying to run away?"

"No I was just-"

"Why the fuck are you in a place like this?" Chat said as he looked around the area. He had never seen something so horrible and nasty in his life before. 

Marinette - I have to clean this place up.

Chat - Well when are you going to be do?

Marinette - I..I don't know. 

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