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I kind of want to "accidentally" bump into my friend and watch her fall into the grand canyon. Kidding. Maybe.

Back story: I was at school and my friend pushed me. It would have been fine, but I happened to be next to a flight of stairs. So then I literally flew down the stairs, and if that wasn't embarrassing enough, one of the hottest people I have ever seen was waiting at the bottom. And I landed on him. . . So yeah, next time I see her, I will not hesitate to shove her off a cliff.

I'm walking home right now. Normally I would walk home with my friend, but a teacher saw her push me so she got detention. I got bored so I decided I would listen to some music. I started to get my headphones out of my bag (g-idle??) but I bumped into something and fell on my face. Great, as if I don't have enough bruises. I started to pick up my stuff but I heard a voice. "Nabi? Are you okay?"

"What, oh- uhhh, yeah I'm fine," I think he should get the award for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Because somehow, SOMEHOW, Hyunjin manages to show up whenever I fall or embarrass myself. He starts to pick up my stuff for me after he helps me stand up. "Uh, thanks," I helped him pick up my stuff. When we have it all picked up he looks at me.

"Are you sure you are fine? Because you basically cartwheeled down the stairs this morning, fell off of your chair backwards at lunch, and I practically tackled you to the ground like two minutes ago." Frick. I didn't know he saw me at lunch. I felt my face heat up a little.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just peachy," I gave him two thumbs up.

He chuckled and then looked as if he remembered something. "Oh hey, I'm having a pool party for my birthday on Saturday. You should come," Okay maybe the right place, wrong time.

"Yeah, sure. I can see if I have time," I'm internally screaming. I just got invited to the most popular boy's birthday party. . .

"Ok then, I'll see you tomorrow," he waved and started to walk away.

Maybe I will have to postpone the whole "shoving my friend off of a cliff" thing because I need to tell her about this.


ik ik short chapter but we are just getting started 🤭

Trust Fall || Hwang HyunjinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt